Hi I got a duron 600 overclocked to 900, and i'm using pc100 ram. I tried to put a pc133 in but my duron doesn't seem to like it. Anybody with a duron using pc133?
Yeah you can not put it on that. The memory is ddr so it is "double pumped" In the ram memory setting in the bios put the speed to clk + pci or something like that. You might be able to go up to 108 or so.
OK dont listen to the other guy. The fsb on your duron is 100x2 = 200. You have sdr ram witch means it's 100 mhz bus. If you do fsb+pci(100 + 33) you wil get 133 do NOT try this with you pc100. If your duron did not like the pc133 you probably had generic stuf get corsair,micron or Mushkin ram.
Say Dark4ng3l, there is no reason why not to try to oc your PC100 to 133, yes it may not run(highly unlikly it won't) but it won't burn up your ram or whatever. Ram produces little heat and it does not affect it as much as other components.
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