Originally posted by: farmercal
Dumb answer by looking at the blades! But seriously, what you should have asked is whether they are blowing in the right direction. If they are exhaust fans, most people want them blowing out of the case. You don't have to look at the direction arrow to find this out just put you hand in front of the fans on the outside of the case and if you feel air blowing on your hand, then they are blowing out. If you feel no air blowing (and the fan is spinning) then they are sucking air into your case.
Originally posted by: L00PY
Put a small piece of paper over the fan. If the exhaust fan is blowing the wrong way, the paper will be sucked up against the fan. If it's blowing the right way, it will be pushed away. (It's easy to confuse the feeling of air being pulled past your hand with the feeling of air blown past your hand.)