I received my Dell 4600 from the Hot Deals 
Now, Anyone have any gripes with the casing ?
It's so hard to access it. Removing the CD-Rom drives took a bit of time, cuz I couldn't figure out how to take the front plate off without breaking the plastics that hold it in place.
I wish they could have built it like the Dell 4550.
**Good News**
The ATI Radeon 9800 I ordered with it has the Samsung 2.8NS chip

Now, Anyone have any gripes with the casing ?
It's so hard to access it. Removing the CD-Rom drives took a bit of time, cuz I couldn't figure out how to take the front plate off without breaking the plastics that hold it in place.
I wish they could have built it like the Dell 4550.
**Good News**
The ATI Radeon 9800 I ordered with it has the Samsung 2.8NS chip