deifntealy..... if you're any kind of gamer that uses a lot of quic kand precise mouse movement like FPS'ers and RTS games.... the dual optical is MUCH smoother than single opticals, if you're a basic application user, and have been on ball mice till now, you probably wont notice the difference until you try to go bac kto ball mice... but optical mice defintealy are worth it these days because they're cheap ($20) and refresh much more often than ball mice and give you a smoother feel ,and teh dual optical logitech enhances that by a touch, a small touch ,but noticable enough that it feels smoother than the others in its class such as teh expolrer and even teh normal mouseman's
if you can afford it and are willing to spendt eh money, i'd recommend it, you may not see/feel the difference at first but if you go back to your old single optical mouse i'd bet that you would