Originally posted by: optimistic
Originally posted by: bacillus
win98 should not require any tweaking to run 512Mb of ram.
it's another story if you exceed 512Mb
thankyou! and thanks black for the tips.
You're welcome, let me just add that I have never tried it myself. I personally won't be scared to try it, but thats just me.

I have run win 98se with 512 meg of ram. It ran fine, no problems that I know of. I think in the end I did tweak it, but thats just me,

My father laughs at me because I hose my system every couple of months from tweaking or hacking the registry.

He's been running 2k now for over two year's without problems or having to reinstall.

Here is some info I have saved:
The actual RAM limit for Windows 95. 98 and Me is 2 gb of physical RAM, as described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q181594
However there are some vcache limitations that should be put into place with larger amounts of RAM by adding a MaxFileCache value to the [vcache] section of system.ini. The value entered should be approximately 70% of the total installed RAM in kilobytes, with an absolute maximum of 512000. Thus for a system with 384 mb of RAM the entry would read
and for systems with 700 mb or more it would be
The 70% limit is intended to prevent problems with vcache "runaway" that can otherwise occur when working with huge data files, meaning files that are equal to or greater than the total installed RAM, or when working with folders that contain vast numbers (tens of thousands) of data files. The 512000 absolute limit is an additional protection against "out of memory" errors that can otherwise occur if the vcache builds up to a very large value resulting in a lack of space in the 1 gb system components portion of the 4 gb virtual address space used by Windows.