I'm not sure if this would be better in Home Theater but since it primarily concerns a router I'll try it here. I have two new wireless additions thanks to Santa, the first being a Win7 laptop which does fine & the other is a Roku/XR for streaming netflix to a tv. It supports HDMI & wireless N. My current router is a Net Gear WGR614 v5(G). The Roku is about 12 feet from the router with 1 wall between them but only shows 2 dots (sometimes 3 for short periods) of signal quality & randomly drops out. Would updating the router firmware help? Any suggestions on a new wireless router or links to reviews would be much appreciated. Would a simultanious dual band be the best? Consumer reviews that I've read on them are mixed. We also have 2.4 cordless phones throughout the house(Vonage-VOIP). Thanks.
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