Dual band router for Roku?


Senior member
Jan 1, 2005
I'm not sure if this would be better in Home Theater but since it primarily concerns a router I'll try it here. I have two new wireless additions thanks to Santa, the first being a Win7 laptop which does fine & the other is a Roku/XR for streaming netflix to a tv. It supports HDMI & wireless N. My current router is a Net Gear WGR614 v5(G). The Roku is about 12 feet from the router with 1 wall between them but only shows 2 dots (sometimes 3 for short periods) of signal quality & randomly drops out. Would updating the router firmware help? Any suggestions on a new wireless router or links to reviews would be much appreciated. Would a simultanious dual band be the best? Consumer reviews that I've read on them are mixed. We also have 2.4 cordless phones throughout the house(Vonage-VOIP). Thanks.
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Golden Member
May 6, 2004
id say the problem is your interference or the roku itself. check out the top sticky and try a site survey along with assigning channel 1, 6, 11 for best performance. steaming video and cordless phones operating in an already overloaded spectrum is less than ideal.


Senior member
Jan 1, 2005
steaming video and cordless phones operating in an already overloaded spectrum is less than ideal.

That's why I'm curious about the dual band, I thought I'd dedicate the 5ghz radio to the roku for separation & better throughput I'm just not sure if that's what I'll get. The trip to the crawlspace to run more cat5 gets less appealing as I get older & fatter. Thanks.


Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
I've had good luck with the Linksys 610N v2 dual-band N (2.4 and 5G 802.11N a the same time. I use it with the Linksys wireless audio system (premium kit - player, director, and controller) and two Logitech Squeezeboxes (in addition to a couple laptops and netbooks). The 610Nv2 has a usb port to add media for network service as well.

I've also had goo dluck going with a straight-up Access point (two actually, one for each band) from Linksys and Netgear. Since I already have routers & firewalls set up, it's easier and less headache and struggle to just extend the wired network to the wireless domain with an access point (versus another router that includes wireless).


Senior member
Jan 1, 2005
"I've also had goo dluck going with a straight-up Access point (two actually, one for each band)"

Hmmm, So I could add an AP & dedicate it @ 5ghz to the Roku? That could be the way to go.
After a quick look it seems that an AP costs nearly as much as a router, sooo.......
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Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2004
Keep in mind - 5ghz doesn't penetrate as far as 2.4ghz. I myself use 5ghz and 2.4ghz N - 2.4ghz N does pretty well but again if you have a noisy wireless environment - 2.4ghz is easily crowded - where 5ghz comes into play but again - the signal doesn't go as far as 2.4ghz does