Drunken Cop Caught on Camera Pulling Gun on Gas Station Clerk


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Youtube video of incident here

April 2, 2014

Tuscon Police Officer, Kyle James McCartin, was drunk and belligerent when he walked into a Giant Gas Station wearing his bullet proof vest and began pointing his pistol at the clerk.

Deputies were called to a Giant Gas Station and learned two men who appeared very intoxicated entered the store wearing bulletproof vests.

Authorities say one of the men pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the clerk twice.

The incident was caught on the gas station’s surveillance camera.

The fact that McCartin was drunk is irrelevant in this instance, however the fact that he assaulted a man with a firearm is not. The clerk did not know what these two drunk idiots in bullet proof vests intentions were.

What would have happened if the gun would have gone off?

McCartin was subsequently fired and faced 1 count of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a Class 3 Felony. He originally plead not guilty as he claimed to have no memory of the incident, luckily it was caught on camera.

In October of last year McCartin changed his plea to guilty.

Now on to your daily dose of above the law injustice. McCartin plead guilty to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon; a charge that carries a sentence of 2 to 21 years.

And exactly how many of those 2 to 21 years will he be serving behind bars? Zero.


Yes, McCartin, who drunkenly and negligently endangered the life of an innocent man will not see one hour behind bars.

Instead, his actions, like the majority of unjust actions committed by members of the state, will remain unaccountable.

Ask yourself this question. Had McCartin not been a cop, would he have spent time behind bars?

Link to Article Here

Forgot to add my 2 cents on this. The cop was so drunk he claims to have no memory of this, yet it was caught on camera. What if his gun accidentally discharged on that cashier? Yet, the officer serves no time what so ever? Is this what we call justice and fairness for all folks?
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Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
you sir, need a vacation.

wow look at those toolbags, what the fuck are they wearing?

In answer to your question, it was an unlawful use of a weapon,those are typically dealt with probation....even though it is a felony charge.

very rarely do criminal acts provide an initial sentence of imprisonment.
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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
you sir, need a vacation.

wow look at those toolbags, what the fuck are they wearing?

In answer to your question, it was an unlawful use of a weapon,those are typically dealt with probation....even though it is a felony charge.

very rarely do criminal acts provide an initial sentence of imprisonment.

Get over it...


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
By the way it is a felony charge to carry a firearm in public while intoxicated and even more egregious to point it at a persons face while loaded, while intoxicated. Again, the cop spent zero time of his sentence. If this had been you or I we would be looking at major Prison time and jail time.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
There should be a more severe penalty for those who are supposed to behave in a more moral way. Judge probably should have given him some jail time for that obscene negligence.


Golden Member
Aug 22, 2002
Who cares? He was fired, arrested, and prosecuted. I'm pretty sure probation is a common punishment for a guilty plea to a first offense.

Unless there was some failed Blue Wall cover-up, this doesn't seem particularly newsworthy. The system worked.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Who cares? He was fired, arrested, and prosecuted. I'm pretty sure probation is a common punishment for a guilty plea to a first offense.

Unless there was some failed Blue Wall cover-up, this doesn't seem particularly newsworthy. The system worked.



Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
There should be a more severe penalty for those who are supposed to behave in a more moral way. Judge probably should have given him some jail time for that obscene negligence.

He was fired.
If the person's position doesn't put him in a special position to do harm, there's no reason to place special protections. Arizona is an open carry state. His off-duty antics did not leverage any special rights granted him as a police officer. There's no abuse of authority here, he's just another conservatard acting retarded.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
He was fired.
If the person's position doesn't put him in a special position to do harm, there's no reason to place special protections. Arizona is an open carry state. His off-duty antics did not leverage any special rights granted him as a police officer. There's no abuse of authority here, he's just another conservatard acting retarded.

i suppose the real repercussions will be the fact he will never be able to work in law enforcement....*AHEM* in a good area ever again.

I have heard of areas accepting people with horrid backgrounds...because nobody is sane enough to take the job.
Feb 10, 2000
I don't agree it is irrelevant that he was drunk - I would consider that an aggravating circumstance in that it increased the likelihood that he might pull the trigger, whether by accident or otherwise.

I am not that offended by the sentence. The reality is this guy went from having a job to being unemployed and being a convicted felon based on one very stupid act while drunk. He will permanently have a very hard time finding a good job. Meanwhile, as stupid as his actions were, nobody was hurt.

As an aside, the clerk was remarkably calm and it looked as though he might even have been smiling or laughing. Maybe he knew these guys as regular customers and didn't feel threatened? Just found that interesting.
Feb 10, 2000
i suppose the real repercussions will be the fact he will never be able to work in law enforcement....*AHEM* in a good area ever again.

I have heard of areas accepting people with horrid backgrounds...because nobody is sane enough to take the job.

I can't imagine any department being desperate enough to hire a man convicted of this particular felony. It would give rise to a pretty solid negligent hiring/retention claim if he ends up ever shooting someone under questionable circumstances.


Nov 23, 2001
He was fired.
If the person's position doesn't put him in a special position to do harm, there's no reason to place special protections. Arizona is an open carry state. His off-duty antics did not leverage any special rights granted him as a police officer. There's no abuse of authority here, he's just another conservatard acting retarded.

Arizona is an open carry state, but you cannot drink while carrying firearms there (unlike Nevada, for example).

The guy does now have a felony conviction on his record, so finding future employment may well be difficult.


Nov 4, 2004
At least this cop lost his job and sustained some kind of consquences. Enjoy your career as a third shift security guard.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
Yea, he was dealt with accountability. Good on the police force in that town/county/state (don't know) that let him go.


Mar 19, 2007
He was fired.
If the person's position doesn't put him in a special position to do harm, there's no reason to place special protections. Arizona is an open carry state. His off-duty antics did not leverage any special rights granted him as a police officer. There's no abuse of authority here, he's just another conservatard acting retarded.

Can you prove his political affiliation?


Nov 18, 2007
Arizona is an open carry state, but you cannot drink while carrying firearms there (unlike Nevada, for example).

The guy does now have a felony conviction on his record, so finding future employment may well be difficult.

Not to mention with a felony, he will be barred from owning firearms. Idiots and guns are not a good mix, throwing in alcohol too is just asking for trouble.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Yet again, OP points out bad behavior,... and offers nothing else.

He still continues to label ALL cops as bad. Even the ones that went after and busted this creep.

OP hasn't even proposed how he expects this type of behavior NOT to occur. Because any institution out there has examples like this where people go off and act crazy.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
He was fired.
If the person's position doesn't put him in a special position to do harm, there's no reason to place special protections. Arizona is an open carry state. His off-duty antics did not leverage any special rights granted him as a police officer. There's no abuse of authority here, he's just another conservatard acting retarded.

If this forum had a nickel for every time you posted "conservatard", I believe Anand wouldn't need all the ads. What in the hell does his alleged political affiliation have to do with this anyway? Forumtard.