Drivers, drivers, and drivers. Are you insane about it?


Senior member
Nov 3, 2009
I must say that I'm a bit insane about it. I just gotta have the latest drivers installed. Strange it is because I'm not a extreme overclocker or anything but when it comes to drivers, I feel like I'm losing a lot if latest drivers aren't installed.

I'm sure you probably haven't noticed this: if you just install the latest chipset driver, it is not fully installed in my standard. Just check "Intel QuickPath Interconnect" under System Devices. You probably have default Microsoft one installed. You can update that driver to the newest Intel one by manually updating it. I do that to all the system devices listed in Device Manager.

I don't know if it makes difference but it sure makes me feel better.
I'm just wondering if anyone is like me...


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Not at all, in fact I never even think about it unless I have a problem with something. For apps I can kinda understand, but with drivers it makes zero sense to worry about them if they're working.

With Linux I automatically get newer drivers whenever there's a new kernel package, but again I never specifically worry about it.


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
As a general rule - I update programs as needed. I flash the Bios when I build it, and leave it alone unless there is a specific reason I must re-flash to correct. For Drivers, I generally leave them alone as long as they're functioning properly. The exception to that is Video drivers, since I do use my home machine for gaming. Those I periodically check and update about a month after their relase if there is some potential gain to be had and I don't see many flame posts on the maker's forums about issues.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
I love driver updates, windows updates, and application updates in general. Perhaps I love them a little too much...


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
This curse came upon us since the days that Video card vendors started the Drivers
Illusionary War to draw attention and trying to beat one the other with software updates.

Setting aside Gamers that are the sole users of Behemoth Video Card and actually enjoy the constant shuffling of drivers (kind of racecar people who like the stinky smell of burned oil).

Almost all releases New Drivers are for.

1. Inclusion of new released hardware.

2. Fixing Bugs.

Fixing Bugs is rarely about End-Users.

Manufacturers take seriously bugs reported by people that run Business systems.

The complainers are professional people that do it as part of their jobs, if the bugs are Not addressed their can be serious consequences to the business users.

In contrast, regular End-users tend to complain a lot, and in many cases they do not even know what they are talking about.

The manufactures would need hundreds of employees just to check if the complains are valid and there is real merit to address them.

Thus, Drivers are Not updated to make thing better because End-Users have few real concerns, and a lot of Dreams.

So what to do.

I never even think about it unless I have a problem with something.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
I used to fret over drivers but now I tend to not even think about it unless I get a notification or encounter an issue, which is rare.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Driver updates are mostly only good for hardware sales. If you break your installation while updating a driver, you're more likely to have the justify-the-upgrade-to-yourself conversation (with yourself).

It goes something like this:
"well, it's broken, and I have to reinstall anyway, so why not just upgrade the hardware now too? Yeah, reinstallation without hardware upgrades is just stupid!"

Of course, my silly theory ignores the obvious like available backups (though they may be old), and available money/time...


Feb 22, 2007
Nope. I only update drivers when something I use doesn't work. No reason to mess with a good thing.