Drakensang: The Dark Eye


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
VERRRRYYY interesting!

They go out of their way to compare this to Baldurs Gate.

OK, according to the web info its based on a tabletop RPG called "TDE". I thought I was an experienced role-player but I've never heard of it.
Checked around the internet and it seems to be a semi-popular system.

It looks like the bulk of the games content was designed by professional writers for the game. That is an extremely good way to start. Those of us who've role-played in the paper D&D universe know how well it worked for Baldurs Gate and some other games.

Looking at the screenshots it seems to be more of a Neverwinter Nights clone than a Baldurs Gate clone.

Downloading the demo now.


Senior member
Jun 2, 2006
It plays like NWN. In fact if the Wikipedia page didn't say otherwise I'd think it was the same engine.

I've never heard of the pen & paper either. Since the game is originally german, maybe the pen & paper was too and the bulk of its popularity is outside the U.S.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Just played this for a while and it's not bad. Nice little story-driven RPG. The graphics are decent, even on somewhat lower settings.

The combat is a little clunky and a tad boring, but maybe it gets better. I also really hate not being able to jump, unless I am just missing something there.

I'll play a little more of the demo later to see if it keeps me interested, but so far so good.



Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
I played for about 30 minutes so far - having a bit of problem getting used to the control - not the assignment but it seems easier to move with wsda but i keep wanting to click where i want to go (not quite as responsive as nwn). Also some camera problems in tight corners. Not sure why every game has this problem - perhaps they all use the same algorithm.



Senior member
Jun 2, 2006
This really needs to be on Steam. People aren't going to here about it much in the U.S. otherwise. But given how close the release has gotten, it doesn't look to me like that's going to happen.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2005
Originally posted by: GaryJohnson
This really needs to be on Steam. People aren't going to here about it much in the U.S. otherwise. But given how close the release has gotten, it doesn't look to me like that's going to happen.

Sad day when PC gamers have to rely on Steam to get PC gaming info. Sorry I'm not a Steam fan. While it serves a purpose I think to many PC gamers are "Steam Elitist" and say they will not buy a game if its not on Steam. Nice way to hurt PC gaming guys. If a game is good and not on Steam then buy the damn thing.

I enjoy my retail copies and definately not fond of being tied to any online client to play my purchased games, EA, Steam, any corporate entity trying to police honest PC gamers.

You know you could just post about the game in multiple forums to get the word around but lets wait to see if the game is any good first. ;)

your favorite gaming hangouts



Senior member
Jun 2, 2006
Well I did post in this forum to get the word around :)

And I am going to buy it, wether it's on Steam or not. But it's a fact that brick & mortar PC game sales have dropped off to the point that many places, like a lot of gamestops, aren't carrying PC games at all anymore. And those that do are less likely to carry an indie or foreign title like Drakensang. But on Steam those games are given equal footing.

Digital distribution is probably somewhat responsible for the drop in retail game sales, but there's a reason for that: People like it.


Aug 11, 2005
I remember playing Realms of Arkania a long long time ago on the Amiga, this is set in the same world setting.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Originally posted by: GaryJohnson
Well I did post in this forum to get the word around :)

And I am going to buy it, wether it's on Steam or not. But it's a fact that brick & mortar PC game sales have dropped off to the point that many places, like a lot of gamestops, aren't carrying PC games at all anymore. And those that do are less likely to carry an indie or foreign title like Drakensang. But on Steam those games are given equal footing.

Digital distribution is probably somewhat responsible for the drop in retail game sales, but there's a reason for that: People like it.

Well thanks, cuz i would have never known about the game if you didnt post here about it.
It seems pretty good.

And i agree, it seems Walmart is the place to get Pc Games anymore in my area, EBgames/Gamestop dont carry squat for Pc Games anymore.

Sucks too, cuz i hate downloading games and getting the manual in pdf format, i like to have the manual handy to refer to when i start a game or need to look at a map.


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2001
Yes, unfortunately very few GS stock much of a selection anymore, though some are better than others. I would like to see more of a niche market develop in the jewel case editions that you see at stores like Walmart. There are plenty of games that I wouldn't buy at anywhere near full price, but would be interested in paying ten bucks for a couple of years later.

Anyway, thanks OP, I downloaded this demo a couple of days ago, but haven't got around to trying it yet.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: MTDEW
Originally posted by: GaryJohnson
Well I did post in this forum to get the word around :)

And I am going to buy it, wether it's on Steam or not. But it's a fact that brick & mortar PC game sales have dropped off to the point that many places, like a lot of gamestops, aren't carrying PC games at all anymore. And those that do are less likely to carry an indie or foreign title like Drakensang. But on Steam those games are given equal footing.

Digital distribution is probably somewhat responsible for the drop in retail game sales, but there's a reason for that: People like it.

Well thanks, cuz i would have never known about the game if you didnt post here about it.
It seems pretty good.

And i agree, it seems Walmart is the place to get Pc Games anymore in my area, EBgames/Gamestop dont carry squat for Pc Games anymore.

Sucks too, cuz i hate downloading games and getting the manual in pdf format, i like to have the manual handy to refer to when i start a game or need to look at a map.

Check best buy...

The best buy here has the biggest collection of PC games I've seen in my life.

(First time going there was a couple weeks ago)

Its bigger than the multi wall collections of Babbage's/Software Etc. back in the day.


Senior member
Jun 2, 2006
Looks like some places have finally gotten Drakensang in stock. There seems to be some confusion over the actual release date. I ordered a copy from newegg today as they seemed to be the cheapest @ 27.99 + Free Shipping. Should be here in 3-7 days... (what the heck is "Egg-Saver"... due they feed it to a homing pigeon and let it fly to you?)

Bestbuy is still saying pre-order for the 25th & no gamestops within 100 miles of me have it, but some in other states apparently do.


Apr 23, 2000
I received my US retail copy from Amazon.uk yesterday,so far I have mixed feelings about the game,kind of slow paced and camera angles are not great which takes awhile to get use too and far from perfect even when using zoom on mouse wheel.

Speech is missing from 98% of the game especially at dialogue etc which is a shame since it would really help the atmosphere of the game.
Combat fights are a bit slow too but I can live with that,on the positive side the graphics are nice and stability has been great for me on Vista x64.
I'm going to give it more playing time since I feel there may be more to this game then meets the eye as they say,btw I believe the game uses SecuRom for DRM if you are wondering.

The intro sequence on mine had no sound only graphics so not sure if this is normal or not,I do have sound effects etc in game like footsteps etc..
I'm aware of the speech missing from the most part in game since that is meantioned in the forums but thought they could of had some for intro sequence unless its just an issue on mine?
The game could of done with more polishing and fine tuning,I know they are a small company so maybe time restraints/budget etc...had a big part to play in that.

I read Drakensang 2 is in development so hope they correct and improve on the major issues that are in Drakensang.
Overall its not a brilliant game by RPG standards but still playable and the game may get better,only time will tell.



Jan 23, 2001
I think the game is incredible given a small dev team. While speech is missing from many conversations, I'd rather have no speech then bad or rushed speech. For instance, I'd rather people not talk in Oblivion than share the same contrived conversation with me everytime I'm in earshot range. Having to read text doesn't ruin immersion for me as much as obvious flaws in the AI showing through.

One of the things I do like about the game, that I think is missing from so many RPGs is a non-linear difficulty scale. Battles and areas vary in difficulty, so while 1 area may not give you trouble, another area will make you question if you should even be there. It's refreshing to play an RPG that doesn't let you steamroll the entire game in the name of "plot".

My main problem with the game is that it becomes a bit of a collect-a-thon with not much direction on all the junk you get on a regular basis. Everytime I go out, all my chars inventories fill up.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
So... how does it compare to Baldur's Gate 2? Is it loaded with plot, dialog (both interparty and intraparty) and character development?


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
So... how does it compare to Baldur's Gate 2? Is it loaded with plot, dialog (both interparty and intraparty) and character development?

I'm early in the game however there seems to be a plot developing story wise,you can get text dialogue with your party members,character development is there....It's no BG2 but I find the game now getting better so positive experience so far.

Couple of reviews below.

Nerd on the plane's review of Drakensang

GameZone's review of Drakensang

Eurogamer's review of Drakensang

You can get free Drakensang manual from Steam here (PDF FILE) .



Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
So... how does it compare to Baldur's Gate 2? Is it loaded with plot, dialog (both interparty and intraparty) and character development?

You'd have to be insane to go into Drakensang expecting an experience relative to BG2. If it did, the game would have a massive following right now.


Apr 23, 2000
I'm enjoying the game bit more now even with a few more annoying flaws I have found , I would probably give this game something like 79% rating,camera angles I'm getting use to even when it fights against you in close quarters, a lot of the smaller towns/ areas you can't revisited once you leave is annoying especially if you missed a few quests which can easily happened(I missed a few by mistake).

Improving your character with skills and attributes etc can be daunting for the new player since it offers a lot of choices and covers virtually everything.

Some quests can be too tough for your level so you just need to leave and come back later when your level is more balanced and stands reasonable chance of surviving /winning the battles(no game option for easy,medium,hard setting).It offers a lot of playing hours so you get your moneys worth for sure.
I really wish you could revisited some areas and don't know why it was done this way ,anyway it's an enjoyable game in its own right even with the issues I have meantioned.