Originally posted by: ZeonX69
In regards to the Muon Calc problem.
I am at work at the moment and i was thinking of a possible cause after BMC emailed me a copy of his results file and he said another program does the same thing. I have found the problem and its to do with regional settings, If your country uses a , as a decimal then it gets confused and rounds it by a . meaning a normal number not a decimal. I will fix this bug to work for multi regions when i get home, or maybe not, I just remembered i changed my comp around, I may get it done this week else i should be able to get it done at the end of the week or the weekend.
Thanks to BMC for helping me out and bringing this problem to my attention. Also did you know I have another program, Muon Websender found ->
http://muon.mega-reviews.com/muonws.asp there, it allows people who can't use ftp to still send in results and allows you to use a proxy if needed, All you need to be able to do is have access to http sites.