Oh wait a minute - I misread that.
No, they took out full page ads denouncing the policies of the UK/Blair. Hello, victimization and blackmail, goodbye any sense of responsibility for your community!
I wonder if christian groups took out full page ads excusing abortion clinic/Olympics bombings because of Clinton's policy?
In other news, rape victims blamed for "being too sexy", robbery victims for "having more money" than those who rob.
No, they took out full page ads denouncing the policies of the UK/Blair. Hello, victimization and blackmail, goodbye any sense of responsibility for your community!
Just yesterday, dozens of established British Muslim groups bought full-page ads in London papers denouncing the policies of Prime Minister Tony Blair. "It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the U.K. and abroad," the ad stated in an open letter to Blair. "The debacle of Iraq and now the failure to do more to secure an immediate end to the attacks on civilians in the Middle East ... is also ammunition to extremists who threaten us all."
I wonder if christian groups took out full page ads excusing abortion clinic/Olympics bombings because of Clinton's policy?
If the shoe fits...But it's not just the crackdown on local terror suspects that has people here angry. Ahmed Versi, editor of the London-based Muslim News, said some of the rhetoric used to denounce the suspected terror plot has led already to an outpouring of concern among his readers. He pointed in particular to President George W. Bush's reference this week to "Islamic fascists" tied to the plot.
In other news, rape victims blamed for "being too sexy", robbery victims for "having more money" than those who rob.