im useing latest version of redhat... >>
So you need to install NE2000 drivers? Ok, here's what you do...
1. Download the latest linux kernel version. Try
ftp://ftp.kernel.org/. You'll find the kernel
about 3 or 4 levels in. You probably want 2.4.5. 2.2.18 is a second choice.
2. Decompress it. Use "tar zxvf linux-2.4.5.tar.gz -C /WhereYouWantItToGo". Remeber, it's source.
3. Enter the new directory and type "make menuconfig"
4. Read each option *carefully*. Select what you need. Read the help screens.
5. Find network drivers. Under 10/100 Mbit, you should find the NE2000 Compatable option.
Select it.
6. When you're done, type "make dep ; make clean ; make bzImage"
7. If there are no errors, type "make modules"
8. If there are no errors, type "make modules_install"
9. If there are no errors, copy ./arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot
10. Set up your boot manager to point to this new file (add an entry so as not to delete the
11. Reboot the system with the new kernel.
If everything works, set this new kernel as the deafault. Make sure you copy the System.map
file from the linux source directory to the /boot directory.
Hope this helps.
*edit* Stupid grammatical errors