Doom 3 vs Half-Life 2


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2003
Here are my thoughts:
Doom 3 was hyped... it was supposed to be an amazing experience. The gameplay was supposed to be great... sure it was for the first hour or so but then it got repetitive.
Shoot demon, find new weapon, shoot new demon.. thats what doom basically was.

Half-Life 2 on the other hand is amazing. The gameplay and the graphics are just great. There is nothing like the feeling of being chased by a copter on a hover craft while crashing through overheads bringing enemies falling into the water.

HalfLife 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Doom 3 IMO.


Jun 2, 2000
This will be the most lopsided poll EVAR!

I'm voting for HL2 (which I've never played) based on what I've read from other AT'ers and the fact that I didn't bother to play more than 1 or 2 hours of D3.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
Well I added a vote for HL2. Although I am not close to finished so I suppose my feelings could change.

One thing I will say for Doom 3 is that it was trouble free (at least for me). That is something that can't be said of HL2. Plus, HL2's frequent level loading is really annoying. Where it counts though is game play and overall, so far, I much prefer HL2.

Oct 9, 1999
i smell gasoline....

i played d3 to the second level and quit
i played far cry single player for 5 minutes and quit
i played hl2 singple player all the way to the jail and havent played in a few days, prolly wont touch it again unless im tweaking or just playing around, i wont finish it.

i have never beat a single player game on the pc, i am a MP only kinda guy.

hl2 has no DM, which is very dissapointing.
doom 3 has MP atleast
hl2 single player is better
d3 single player is ok, didnt play much of it
d3 uses shadows/lighting better imo, i love th ability to hide in the dark in MP, havent seen any dark levels yet in CSS but im sure i will(747!!!!)
hl2 physics are awesome
d3 physics are avail. but werent in d3 to much, although the engine itself can do tons more than what d3 did. people have to realize d3 is a game, the game doesnt put a limit on the engine.
hl2 ran better than doom3 for me(i have a 9800 pro)

both are fun games and both are VERY different. hl2 looks more realistic but when up close some of the textures look like crap, same thing with doom3.

edit- i voted for equal


Golden Member
Apr 21, 2001
Doom3 's gameplay is repetitive and boring, and the AI is stupid. Plus its multiplayer blows when compared to CS Source. HL2 is better, no contest.



Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
HL2 has made Doom 3 and the D3 engine obsolete.

This questions reminds me of another one:

Ryan Leaf or Payton Manning???



Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
Definitely HL2, although I thought Doom 3 was still pretty good single player. CS:S is far better than the joke of multiplayer they put in Doom3.

Gameplay/environments in HL2 had much more variety than Doom 3.


Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: DarkKnight
Doom3 's gameplay is repetitive and boring, and the AI is stupid. Plus its multiplayer blows when compared to CS Source. HL2 is better, no contest.

I disagree. CS Source is still sucky counterstrike where every game is only 45 seconds long at best. Thats not a multiplayer game.. thats a joke.

Games last longer than 45 seconds. Take Halo pc for example. Multiplayer on it is usually 10 minutes to an hour or so--very immersive and fun.

I just can't get into Counterstrike at all. Its too quick, there are too many cheaters, and I suck at it so much that its not fun.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
In terms of the games, I would say HL2 is hands down the better title so far(have been too busy to finish the game so far).

HL2 has made Doom 3 and the D3 engine obsolete.

In terms of game engines, D3's graphics engine kills HL2's from what I have seen. HL2 has exceptional player models and player animations, and that's about all I've seen that is terribly impressive with the visuals of the game. The physics engine in HL2 was a bit of a let down for me, mainly as I think it was seriously overhyped. Far from every material has physics based upon the material it is textured with. Not saying that D3 was better in this regard by any means, just that they overhyped HL2's engine too much IMO. HL2 also has some extremely poor textures in places(a problem D3 was roasted for repeatedly) and its' lighting/shadow model is downright retro- very outdated by today's standards(Halo2's is better, and that isn XBox title).


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
I chose Doom3 because of HL2's dissapointing story, shortness and linearity that ended abruptly.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: slag
Originally posted by: DarkKnight
Doom3 's gameplay is repetitive and boring, and the AI is stupid. Plus its multiplayer blows when compared to CS Source. HL2 is better, no contest.

I disagree. CS Source is still sucky counterstrike where every game is only 45 seconds long at best. Thats not a multiplayer game.. thats a joke.

Games last longer than 45 seconds. Take Halo pc for example. Multiplayer on it is usually 10 minutes to an hour or so--very immersive and fun.

I just can't get into Counterstrike at all. Its too quick, there are too many cheaters, and I suck at it so much that its not fun.

CS matches are short because it works in rounds and death is permanent for the round. I actually like CS a lot because of the round system. If you die, you're punished by having to wait until the end. After dying and waiting a couple times, you're not so inclined to just rush out anymore. If the matches last for more than 10 minutes, then everyone would be bored out of their minds waiting for the last guy to die.


Senior member
Oct 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Bumrush99
HL2 has made Doom 3 and the D3 engine obsolete.

This questions reminds me of another one:

Ryan Leaf or Payton Manning???


thats bogus. HL2 is much better than Doom 3 as a game, but the technology in Doom 3 is still magnificent, much like it is in HL2. Doom 3 was not so good a game, I agree, but the engine is excellent. Wait till you see Quake 4.