doom 3 alpha console commands


Senior member
Nov 12, 2001
This is my config. Backup your doomconfig and save the following as doomconfig.cfg

bind ENTER "_button2"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "_moveup"
bind + "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind / "weapnext"
bind 0 "weapon 10"
bind 1 "weapon 1"
bind 2 "weapon 2"
bind 3 "weapon 3"
bind 4 "weapon 4"
bind 5 "weapon 5"
bind 6 "weapon 6"
bind 7 "weapon 7"
bind 8 "weapon 8"
bind 9 "weapon 9"
bind = "sizeup"
bind [ "weapprev"
bind \ "_mlook"
bind ] "weapnext"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind a "_moveleft"
bind c "_movedown"
bind d "_moveright"
bind s "_back"
bind w "_forward"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "_forward"
bind DOWNARROW "_back"
bind LEFTARROW "_left"
bind RIGHTARROW "_right"
bind ALT "_strafe"
bind CTRL "_attack"
bind SHIFT "_speed"
bind DEL "_lookdown"
bind PGDN "_lookup"
bind END "centerview"
bind F11 "screenshot"
bind MOUSE1 "_forward"
bind MOUSE2 "_back"
bind MOUSE3 "_attack "
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
seta com_drawfps "1"
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta sensitivity "5"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta vid_xpos "3"
seta vid_ypos "22"
seta r_useFence "1"
seta com_maxfps "user desired"
seta name "UnnamedPlayer"
seta sv_maxclients "8"
seta g_maxGameClients "0"
seta g_log "games.log"
seta g_logSync "0"
seta g_showcamerainfo "0"
seta g_showGun "1"
seta com_drawhud "1"
seta r_exportmd5 "1"
seta g_flashlight_maxangle "22.0"
seta g_flashlight_lag "0.1"
seta g_flashlight_x "10"
seta g_flashlight_y "-17"
seta g_flashlight_bob_x "2"
seta g_flashlight_bob_y "2"
seta g_flashlight_bobspeed_x "0.33"
seta g_flashlight_bobspeed_y "0.25"
seta g_flashlight_shader "lights/flashlight3"
seta s_reverse "0"
seta s_meterTopTime "2000"
seta s_roomAcoustics "1"
seta s_reverbPercentage "20"
seta s_reverbTime "0"
seta s_FXChannelReturnVolume "0"
seta s_linearFalloff "1"
seta s_volume_dB "0"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_wallReflection "0.3"
seta s_passBand "14000"
seta s_stopBand "22050"
seta s_minPassTap "0.075"
seta s_flAdjust_dB "0"
seta s_frAdjust_dB "0"
seta s_cAdjust_dB "0"
seta s_lfeAdjust_dB "0"
seta s_rlAdjust_dB "0"
seta s_rrAdjust_dB "0"
seta s_cacheAlwaysLoad "0"
seta s_cacheSize "16"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta r_varmegs "92"
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta r_mergeShadows "0"
seta image_maxPreload "0"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_compressBump "1"
seta image_compressSpecular "1"
seta image_compressDiffuse "1"
seta image_depth "0"
seta image_roundDown "1"
seta image_downSize "0"