Don't use Asus update to flash your bios!


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
I saw another thread when I searched this and found I'm not the only one, sorry to say but I see an RMA in my future. My Commando bit the dust,,,, I wish this warning were stickied here, it would have saved me an RMA.

Be sure to read the posts below, rgallant has found more in regard to these procedures. This is a topic I would encourage an able minded geek to research and write a guide. As I'm far too lazy and ignorant I encourage my fellow geeks to take up this challenge, any takers?

(copied from Asus forums)
Posted:2/15/2007 10:35:00 PM
EZ Flash 2 ? the best, the safest and the most convenient way to update BIOS.

Revised August 24, 2007.

Updating BIOS is serious business!

Every precaution should be taken to prevent that anything goes wrong. Above all: DO NOT USE ASUS UPDATE!!! AFUDOS is the only good alternative to EZ Flash 2.

Note: All what's said below about BIOS Defaults also applies to the other BIOS update utilities (ASUS Update and AFUDOS)! 

EZ Flash 2 is a built-in function of BIOS. It is the safest way to update BIOS, because one is not dependent on any operating system, applications, internet connection, firewall settings, antivirus or anything else that can put the vital BIOS update at risk.
On a new build, the BIOS can be updated to the latest version before installation of the operating system, which may possibly make the installation go smoother and safer.
The system must never be overclocked during the BIOS update! Always load BIOS Defaults. (If your memory sticks should need more than 1.8V to boot, then set the required Memory Voltage after loading BIOS Defaults). Save the settings (press <F10>).

When these instructions are carefully followed, there will be no need for a CLRTC.
1.Document all your preferred BIOS settings (the ones you have set yourself).
2.Download the BIOS file, which normally is compressed (zipped).
3.Unzip the BIOS file to a FAT/FAT32 formatted USB Flash Disk [or Floppy Disk or IDE CD-ROM]. If the unzipped BIOS file is named like e.g. 'P5B-ASUS-Deluxe-1101.ROM', you can rename it to 'P5BD1101.ROM'. Otherwise a truncated name will appear as 'P5B-AS~1.ROM' due to a limitation of max 8 characters in the filename (8.3).
2.Press (tap) <Del> during POST to enter BIOS Setup.
3.Load BIOS Defaults (press <F5>).
4.Insert the USB Flash Disk containing the BIOS file P5BDxxxx.ROM
5.Save and Exit <F10>. (BIOS will now restart).
6.During BIOS restart, press <Del> to enter BIOS Setup again.
7.Under Tools menu, select ASUS EZ Flash 2. It may take 20 seconds for the drives to show up. Select a drive in the left pane <Tab>. Use <Up> and <Down> arrows and <Enter> to select. If you don't see the BIOS file in the right pane, check on the other drives. Note that the drive letters are not the same as in Windows (no HDD's are shown here).
8.Select the BIOS file (e.g. P5BD1101.ROM) and press <Enter> to start flashing. Supervise the update, which includes the following parts: Erasing - Flashing (writing) - Verification. When the update is ready, BIOS will automatically restart.
9.Disconnect the USB Flash Disk before/during the restart.
10.Load BIOS Defaults <F5> again.
11.Reinsert your preferred BIOS settings - if you are using AHCI or RAID mode, don't forget to set 'Configure SATA as' to [AHCI / RAID]. Also remember the settings for the JMicron Controller, Audio and also Memory Voltage. Check also that the Boot Device Priority is ok.
12.Save and Exit <F10>.
13.Press <Del> to enter BIOS Setup and make a final check that all BIOS settings are ok. Save any changes.

In case of a new build:
When BIOS is updated to the latest version, and prior to the installation of the operating system, run Memtest86+ (v1.70 or later) for a few hours to check that the memory test doesn't report any errors.
There are downloads for bootable Floppy Disk, USB Flash Disk and CD-ROM (ISO).



Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2004
Yeah funnily enough I lost a Commando to the Asus windows BIOS update as well, that really sucked but I've learned to always ALWAYS use a floppy drive now, do it right and you cant go wrong- can't say I have used a USB flash drive but I hear its usually just as safe, whatever gets the job done :).


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2001
I used Q-Flash for the first time with my Gigabyte board without a hitch


Golden Member
Feb 7, 2000
Well overall good advice to those who do not understand the idiosyncasies of WinXP and what is running in the background.
I always use Asus update IN AN OC condition - so I would have gone against your good advice - not recommending it though. Just did so last night on my P5K-E Wifi/AP (from 0603 to 0906) and previously allso on my p5 Deluxe, A8N-e etc etc too much to count

I always flash only after I have just installed WInXP and drivers and NOT connected to the internet (I download the bios and update from a file) - works all the time for years now.

Years ago I killed a bios chip on a skt 478 Gigabyte board using the update and even a hot swap could not bring it back Ahh well one bad flash in 6 years using the update - not enough to dissuade me.

But yes good advice for the rookies


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Regalk
Well overall good advice to those who do not understand the idiosyncasies of WinXP and what is running in the background.
I always use Asus update IN AN OC condition - so I would have gone against your good advice - not recommending it though. Just did so last night on my P5K-E Wifi/AP (from 0603 to 0906) and previously allso on my p5 Deluxe, A8N-e etc etc too much to count

I always flash only after I have just installed WInXP and drivers and NOT connected to the internet (I download the bios and update from a file) - works all the time for years now.

Years ago I killed a bios chip on a skt 478 Gigabyte board using the update and even a hot swap could not bring it back Ahh well one bad flash in 6 years using the update - not enough to dissuade me.

But yes good advice for the rookies

I would agree but this is what I did, download and flash from file. From what little info I could find this is a problem with the Asus program itself, not the PCs' or background apps and firewalls. I've used the Asus Update probably a dozen times, once flashing from the internet, successfully till now. Even though my first post recommends the EZ flash 2 I have not used this and will dust off my floppy and go back to using AFUDOS.
As to the rookies? can't say that I am, not that I'm at an expert level mind you, but this is an ASUS program currently FUBAR.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
Originally posted by: WoodButcher
Originally posted by: Regalk
Well overall good advice to those who do not understand the idiosyncasies of WinXP and what is running in the background.
I always use Asus update IN AN OC condition - so I would have gone against your good advice - not recommending it though. Just did so last night on my P5K-E Wifi/AP (from 0603 to 0906) and previously allso on my p5 Deluxe, A8N-e etc etc too much to count

I always flash only after I have just installed WInXP and drivers and NOT connected to the internet (I download the bios and update from a file) - works all the time for years now.

Years ago I killed a bios chip on a skt 478 Gigabyte board using the update and even a hot swap could not bring it back Ahh well one bad flash in 6 years using the update - not enough to dissuade me.

But yes good advice for the rookies

I would agree but this is what I did, download and flash from file. From what little info I could find this is a problem with the Asus program itself, not the PCs' or background apps and firewalls. I've used the Asus Update probably a dozen times, once flashing from the internet, successfully till now. Even though my first post recommends the EZ flash 2 I have not used this and will dust off my floppy and go back to using AFUDOS.
As to the rookies? can't say that I am, not that I'm at an expert level mind you, but this is an ASUS program currently FUBAR.

I'am not sure if your bios renaming eg. is correct, On the P5W-DH The floppy should be renamed, P5WDH.ROM No verson # added


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
Originally posted by: rgallant

I'am not sure if your bios renaming eg. is correct, On the P5W-DH The floppy should be renamed, P5WDH.ROM No verson # added

Are you refering to the original post? I copied and paste from the Asus forums so if this instruction is wrong in any way and your absolutely certain please correct this and I will edit. I would really hate the idea that I caused anyone problems w/ their board even indirectly.

thanks in advance for your help rgallant,


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
Originally posted by: WoodButcher
Originally posted by: rgallant

I'am not sure if your bios renaming eg. is correct, On the P5W-DH The floppy should be renamed, P5WDH.ROM No verson # added

Are you refering to the original post? I copied and paste from the Asus forums so if this instruction is wrong in any way and your absolutely certain please correct this and I will edit. I would really hate the idea that I caused anyone problems w/ their board even indirectly.

thanks in advance for your help rgallant,

Hi WoodButcher
I went by the notes I made up during my bios updates and post with my board as the manual is wrong or just is wrong for the Zip files they are downloading, for EZ flash as I use the alt-F2 and it looks for the P5WDH.ROM in Caps. In the Asus site I found post for other boards

Posted:12/30/2007 11:09:00 PM

Make sure the Unzipped/Unpacked BIOS file is renamed to "P5KD.ROM"

And that it copied onto a USB Flash Drive formatted as FAT32.

If the Flash Drive is Formatted as NTFS the EZ-Flash Utility will not detect the File.

You can Also copy the P5KD.ROM file to a Non-bootable CD and EZ-Flash from that.

Hello Ohberg

As I understand you know, the chances to recover from this sittuation aren't that great.

Asus says that 'ASUS Crashfree BIOS 3' will eliminate the need to replace the BIOS chip when it gets corrupted. They are so confident that they have soldered the chip on the board instead of placing it in a socket.

As a matter of fact, a couple of times, that I know of, it has been possible to restore BIOS following this exact sequence:

- Place the unzipped BIOS file of the latest version, renamed to P5BD.ROM on a FAT/FAT32 formatted USB Memory, a formatted empty floppy or a CD.
- Insert the media and power down
- Wait for 10 seconds and then power up

Now CrashFree BIOS 3 is supposed to start looking for a drive that contains the BIOS ROM file, and when found start flashing. The process will take a few minutes. Look for activities on the drive.

Good luck!

another Author: BoTar Posted: 12/13/2007 4:06:00 PM

How downgrade BIOS from 0901 to any older

1. Copy any older BIOS with name P5KE.ROM to USB Flash Drive

2. Copy BIOS 0901 to USB Flash Drive

3. Setup ASUS EZ-Flash

4. Start flashing 0901 version. When process erasing BIOS will be started press reset button

5. MB will request drive with BIOS file with name P5KE.ROM. Will be flashing this version BIOS

6. Start Windows and flashing any version BIOS by Asus Update program. It?s delete any traces from 0901 version BIOS

7. Now You can flashing any BIOS version by EZ-Flash, AFUDOS and ASUS Update



Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
thanks rgallant, I'm sure your efforts will save some other poor slob like me!


Nov 4, 2004
Anyone who flashes a BIOS with any Windows update utility, no matter what brand of mobo, should not be surprised by the results.


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2003
When you flash in windows it's always best to exit your running services in the systray -- AV, any software firewalls, STEAM, any TV PVR apps, etc... then revert to windows classic interface (GUI) and open and close about 10-25 windows really fast to make sure there are no system hang-ups then flash when you're comfortable that the OS environment is as stable as can be.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Don't even need floppy anymore, just save the BIOS image to a directory off of root C:\ and use a bootable DOS CD ROM or USB key. Navigate to whatever directory you saved your BIOS and flash.exe and you're done. I haven't needed a floppy drive in years doing it this way.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: chizow
Don't even need floppy anymore, just save the BIOS image to a directory off of root C:\ and use a bootable DOS CD ROM or USB key. Navigate to whatever directory you saved your BIOS and flash.exe and you're done. I haven't needed a floppy drive in years doing it this way.

Anyway to make this work with sata drives? I was having issues with it.


Junior Member
Feb 11, 2008
I ended up upgrading the ASUS P5K bios by booting from the ASUS DVD it came with! Then using the downloaded latest bios on a floppy (and latest flash tool) upgrading from the floppy drive. I could NOT get the embedded flash utility in the bios to recognise the .tom file on a floppy - een though it scans it (and yes I did rename it).


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
Originally posted by: kmartinez
I ended up upgrading the ASUS P5K bios by booting from the ASUS DVD it came with! Then using the downloaded latest bios on a floppy (and latest flash tool) upgrading from the floppy drive. I could NOT get the embedded flash utility in the bios to recognise the .tom file on a floppy - een though it scans it (and yes I did rename it).

I've got the P5K in my sig that I may uprade the bio on also but if I do I'll be using AFUDOS, I've lost faith in all the ASUS flash programs.
On a side note I did get the commando back, they sent me another board, new serial numbers. Haven't had the time to install it yet but I'm hoping it has the latest bio to run my quad.


Feb 6, 2008
How do you update from a floppy drive anymore. I wanted to do this with me P5KD wifi, and the new bios was 2.0 Mb while a 3.5" floppy drive only has a capacity of 1.4 MB. Am I doing something wrong?


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
Your right, w/ the larger bios file you need to use EZ flash from a usb drive. See rgallant's post above.


Feb 6, 2008
I see that I can flash from a cd with EZ flash, but it doesn't show the option of saving the previous bios. How do I do that?


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
Originally posted by: steve1616
I see that I can flash from a cd with EZ flash, but it doesn't show the option of saving the previous bios. How do I do that?

You can download a copy from asus. I wouldn't flash unless it's absolutely needed to upgrade and definitely not if I didnt have a backup pc or at least something available to work from.

Originally posted by: tvdang7
just lost my p5n-e to a unofficial flash.

Ouch! reset the cmos and all the other goodies? Check this thread, Hope you find an answer!


Feb 6, 2008
Flashing went very good. It was a lot easier than I thought. I used a cd with the bios update on it, and used EZ flash. I thought newegg moved a lot of volume. My motherboard's manufacturing date of June, 2007. It also had an extremely old bios in it. It was bios version 0404. The black PCI expressx16 was also a little bent, but I will never use this anyway.


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2001
Cool beans steve1616! I'm glad to hear at least a few of us get it right. I never had a prob till I flashed my commando. I used to download to desktop, disconnect the interweb and flash in windows, never again! Fortunately it only cost me shipping and time.


Dec 25, 2004
What's the Asus equivalent to AWD Flash for Award BIOSes? AWD Flash is DOS based and has a couple of useful parameters / switches that can do a sort of "zero-fill" on your BIOS chip before flashing the new BIOS. I'd like something like that for my new Asus board, but haven't found anything like it.