Doh, dead...but RADIO SHACK now part of MSN promo


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Rather than doing the copying routine, I found this at techbargains

I paid $250 for this and love it. GO!

SOrry for the misinfo but find another good RS deal instead...

(dead---->) Ipaq 3635 at RS, $349-150(rebate)-60(MSN) = $139 plus tax (on $349) = roughly $150 depending on where you live



Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
I dont think there are any more of these around... if there are, it's probably really hard to get... many people snatch these up during last week... i didn't get one but I got the 3765 64mb one. Much better

Item is not available online and I think someone here got a memo that RS won't be getting any more from Compaq

Sorry, this item is either temporarily out of stock or no longer available in our on-line store. If this item's catalog number has a prefix of 12- through 68-, it may be available at your local RadioShack store. Click here for the address and phone number of a RadioShack store near you.



Senior member
May 29, 2001
I was under the impression that you had to buy online to get the MSN passport savings?
The IPAQ is not available online, and has never been during this deal (the $349.99 price).

Sorry to crap but there isn't even a deal here since you have to buy something online that isn't available period, let alone online.


Senior member
May 1, 2000

<< I dont think there are any more of these around... if there are, it's probably really hard to get... many people snatch these up during last week... i didn't get one but I got the 3765 64mb one. Much better >>

Much better????? Looks, plays and feels the same. Only real difference is 64MB vs. 32MB. $150 is a LOT for simply 32MB upgrade. I have the expansion sleeve so I can get 64MB (or more) on mine. I have a 64MB compact flash sitting around anyway. I'm happy with my $200 3635 ;)


Dec 4, 2001
I was pretty surprised by how much better the color display on the 3765+ models are in comparison to the 3600 series. The colors are much more vibrant and lack the dithering that is very prevalent on my 3635. Twice as much memory, longer battery life, and the better display made it worth my while to get the $250 3765 and sell my 3635.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Its much better to me because I got a free symbol cf wireless network and a free pccard wireless network. I order the 3635 from rs but the manager jerk me around so i cancel it yesterday and got 3765. it's better in a sense that u dont have that pocket pc 2002 upgrade problem since i'm already on 2002. It's also better that it's instock and not out of stock :), so fully loaded, I paid 382 after the 50 rebate including the wireless cards

more memory is worth it... not cf memory, direct onboard memory, friend couldn't view large 3-4 mb pics, etc.. some limitation but someone here found a site that'll rewire 128mb on to it... for I think 198 bucks... so eventually next few models will have more memory on it..


May 3, 2001
The price difference between the 3635 and 3765 is not as high as you might think:

3635: 349 - 150 rebate = 199 (add $40 for PPC 2002 if you want it)

3765: 499 - 100 MSN rebate - 100 Best Buy AMex pricematch - 50 rebate = 249 w/ppp 2002 already

And the larger rom means that you get the full ppc2002, and don't have to install things like media player in memory like with the 3635

Only $50. And you get the full pocket pc and more memory. I own the 3635 and I'll dump in on ebay once I get my 3765. I could care less about the bulky CF sleeve, I just ordered the silver sleeve.

For the 3765 details, look for 3765 for 250 thread.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
I think its actually better to get the pcmcia sleve .. ecost had it for 70 bucks, it's pcmcia with additional battery.. plus if u need to use CF u can get the CF -> PCMCIA adapter for like 10 bucks.. I wasn't sure thats why I got the CF Wireless also...