lol "Nvidia fanboy"... are you water cooling this? How fast you can turn bitcoins depends on how fast you want to run the card. My 3 Lightnings at 1175 MHz hash roughly 2 GHash, which is about 1 coin every 4-5 days at current difficulty, mining almost all day unless I'm gaming. If you run your card around 1100 MHz, that'll hash roughly 550 Mhash, which is around 1 coin every 20 days at current difficulty, but that's close to 24/7. You're probably looking at around 1 coin a month I think.
No plans to water cool this one, I'm actually planning to go with a mini itx build in a small form factor with haswell. I just had to accelerate what I've been planning for a while due to, fate I guess. Bit more conservative, I won't be modifying any cards or reference coolers this time.
Thanks for the info on bitcoins, I guess things have changed a lot since I last looked into it. 20-30 days woof, hopefully the price keeps going up in the meantime.
Omg hell has frozen over!
Welcome to the dark side Balla enjoy your new card :biggrin:
Hopefully it stays frozen so I can do some decent benching!
Thanks, Zanovar... I'll try, drivers still scare me :ninja:
I can't wait for your honest impressions of the so called lack of smoothness on the 7xxx series. Enjoy the card
I've been monitoring my own for awhile, so I should have a pretty good reference point.
I must say, that's a pretty damn nice price, especially with two free games, wow.
Price is actually pretty high, I could have gotten a lower end Sapphire model with the bundle for $270 AMIR, this one was $309 /w rebate plus newegg gouged me on shipping
It's no Flaminyon, but sometimes you have to go with the Rib eye or Porterhouse instead.