Does the P4B533-V have problems with Corsair XMS Ram or not!?!?


Junior Member
Jul 9, 2002
I really need to buy a motherboard soon, as having to deal with my older computer (cel 766@1ghz with a TNT2) instead of my P4 system without a mobo is really starting to bug me. However, I've read that the P4B533-V has problems with XMS RAM, and I need to verify that this is absolutely and totally true- can anyone confirm it? Please? This looks like such a great mobo, but if my ram is gonna be held back, I'll look for something else.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2002
I read that it does have a problem with XMS ram,but don't take my word for it.You can still get some nice True Original Samsung ram which is real good ram that people are getting high overclocks out of it or Kingston.I wanted the P4B533-V also but changed my mind to save a few bucks.I ordered a P4B533 and still waiting to get it.It only has the 1:1 ratio but there is a post on how to get 3:4 ratio on this mobo by just enabling dipswitch 6 in jumper free mode.There are a few good boards out there to choose from.


Senior member
May 11, 2001

A little accident with the reply-button ;)

CORSAIR XMS3200 works fine with the ASUS P4B533 and P4B533E.

I'm sorry that I can't give you information about the P4B533V, but I would wonder why there should be a problem.
Maybe if you're going to use the onboard-vga you could get into trouble because of the shared memory.
But with an extra vga-card you should be alright, at least I would guess so.

I just read BEEFCAKE's thread "about memory compatibility issues" with the P4B533V and XMS-memory.
It seems that there is a problem with high memory-OCs while the memory generally works on that motherboard, so watch out.


Jun 19, 2002
Seems there is an issue here somewhere with the P4B533-V and Corsair XMS memory at high FSB and memory dividers. Of course, there are very few reports so far that I can find. If anyone has any experience with this issue please do post and share your wisdom.


Jul 25, 2002
Can someone give me a point at where I should expect failure? I'm at 120 FSB w/ 3:4... Using Corsair XMS 2700... I'd be more than happy to post good/bad news, but its been running fine for now...


Aug 5, 2002

Your computer can do better than that. I am assuming that you have a 1.6A or 1.8A, you don't say.

Try FSB=133 at 4:5 memory ratio. That runs your memory at 333, which it should handle easily (that is your spec).

Your CPU should be fine at 133 with standard cooling (ensure that your heatsink is on properly).

You may need to increase your CPU voltage slightly, but first try without doing this. Your max temperature should stay under 45C at full load, but up to 50C is OK anyway.

Good luck, but it should do this easily.

Over this is more tricky, and has to be done step by step.

NB: If you have a Willamore CPU chip (256k cache) the above may not be so easy!!!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Damn this is an annoying issue.

I already have my memory... a 512MB stick of Corsair XMS3000 and have been trying to decide on a motherboard.
I've decided on a few only to change my mind each time. My current fav is the P4b533-V. I am willing to spend the extra money to get an excellent 845G board.
THEN I see little hints here and there about this P4B533-V and Corsair XMS compatibility issues.... no real info yet but still a cause for concern.

I think I just have to buy a freaking board.

To sum up my feelings: 'Hmmmmmm.'


Jan 1, 2001
My Mushkin PC3000 works flawlessly. You could probably sell the Corsair and break even on the Mushkin.


Jun 19, 2002
Glad this thread got resurrected. I posted about this on the Corsair forums at here's my thread.

Seems as if this is the man that should know. As you can see from the sticky post in the subsequent forum, there is currently an issue with trying to run 2 XMS sticks at the same time but that may or may not be fixed by a beta BIOS.


Aug 5, 2002
You can have problems with two sticks with any memory. This doesn't prove anything.

I haven't seen a single confirmed case of problems with Corsair XMS and the P4B533-V.


Aug 5, 2002
Wouldn't say that - show me the post.

There have been a lot of posts by people raising the question, but not a single one that I have seen of anyone that has actually experienced the problem. Until I see that I will remain doubtfull.

And just one still doesn't prove much - especially if they are doing something funny like using two sticks. Not that two sticks are that unusual, but it often causes problems with memory overclocking.


Junior Member
May 30, 2002
i have ASUS P4B533-V (rev 1.01) bios 1004.010 with 2 sticks of 512 XMS300 ram!
im running win xp pro on P4 2.4B 133

FSB139 4:5 CL2-3-3 2.7V : after a time windows does not boot anymore, blue screen at boot sequence! sometimes u have to reinstall XP..

FSB132 3:4 CL2-3-3 2.7V : windows freezes, can't open taskbar!

FSB133 4:5 CL2-3-3 2.7V : seems to work fine, i have to use that setting. but thats not what i wanted :[

for me it's not a corsair problem, it's the 845G ! maybe ASUS can fix that with bios updates..
with the first bios releases the board wasn't able to boot XP with 2x 512 XMS at normal speed settings!!! a bios update fixed that!

this is what i experienced, maybe another person have this configs running fine?!



Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Jola
Wouldn't say that - show me the post.

There have been a lot of posts by people raising the question, but not a single one that I have seen of anyone that has actually experienced the problem. Until I see that I will remain doubtfull.


I'd also like to see some posts regarding the memory issue on the 8IEXP you've been bashing.


Aug 5, 2002
No problem, they do exist. Will just have to go back to search for them.

But don't get me wrong, it is a fine motherboard (the 8IEXP) as long as you don't want to overclock the memory. Overclocking the CPU worked well as long as you used a 1:1 memory ratio and kept your memory speed at 140MHz DDR or below. This gave me a CPU speed of 2520MHz (I have a 1.8A), and the setup was 100% stable (two days on prime95). Many guys would be very happy with this.

The problem is that good memory is unobtainable in this country (South Africa). I have been bottlenecked by bad memory for ages, including on my previous Asus CUSL2. This time I went to a lot of trouble (and costs) to specially import good memory (Corsair XMS 3000C2), only to find that the 8IEXP was now the bottleneck.

I am also irritated by this, because the previous time that I bought a Gigabyte Motherboard (a BX2000 v 1.0), I also had a lot of trouble with it because it couldn't run with a Voodoo3 3000 (standard mode, no overclocking), and Gigabyte's support was a major problem. I only found the cause through 3DFX support (it was the current draw of the video card which could not be handled by the motherboard), and although Gigabyte admitted the problem in the sense that the v1.10 of the board had a fix for it, I could never get any joy out of them, and had to give the board away to someone who was prepared to run it with a simple video card. The Voodoo 3 3000 worked fine on the Asus CUSL2.

Gigabyte have claimed that the 8IEXP is a good O/C board - it clearly is not - but note I regard O/C of the memory as important (however, I am not O/C the memory, because my memory is high spec, it is only a motherboard problem - the 845E chip seems to handle this on other motherboards).

I hate companies that indulge in misleading advertising. And also motherboard reviewers who don't check the claims, and give editors choices to boards that don't deserve it. A simple and basic O/C test by board reviewers (FSB = 133, Memory 3:4, or 4:5) would sort out the good from the bad. The 8IEXP can't do this.

But as a result I don't see a place for this MB in the market. If you don't want to O/C get an Intel D845EBT. It is better quality, cheaper, faster and has the same specs. Else get an Asus or Abit.

But to be fair to you, in spite if the fact that I have not seen a single post of someone with a problem with one stick of Corsair XMS and an Asus P4B533-V, I will only be 100% sure of the situation once I get my P4B533-V. I was supposed to get it on Wednesday, now looks as if it will only be here on Monday.

Guess I will be pretty embarassed if the Asus board has the same problems as the Gigabyte. But I am obviously hoping that the Asus will be significantly better - at this point I have seen no evidence contrary to that belief.

I will look for the Gigabyte posts and will also post my results as soon as I get the P4B533-V.


Aug 5, 2002
Update on my last post:

If you do a search on 8IEXP under Motherboards on AnandTech, you will get a number of threads where guys have been having memory O/C problems on this motherboard. Also, look at

What worries me is continuing reports of problems on 845G chipsets with memory O/C. This applies to all 845G motherboards, also the P4B533-V. The Corsair XMS thing seems to have been a red herring, people are reporting problems with all types of memory.

This doesn't seem to apply to good 845E implementations (eg P4B533, P4B533-E). The 8IEXP has a problem that is not chipset related, something to do with the motherboard design.

My impression (based on posts from the forums) is that:

GA-8IEXP can only be O/C to just over 140MHz memory bus
P4B533-V can be O/C to just under 175MHz memory bus (also applies to all other 845G motherboards)
P4B533 P4B533-E can be O/C to +200MHz memory bus (also applies to other good 845E motherboards, eg ABIT)

Any comments on these observations. I hope that I am wrong, I have ordered a P4B533-V, but where there's smoke there seems to be fire...

Late Addition: It appears the 845G Abit boards can easily do memory O/C to 200MHz, as can the P4B533-E and P4B533

So maybe the GA-8IEXP and P4B533-V are just duds.