Originally posted by: Mark R
Nope, they don't work, at least not AGP versions. Someone got something badly wrong when designing the AGP interface on the Kyro2.
Originally posted by: Peter
It doesn't even _fit_ if it's really AGP 2x. Simply because the card, if keyed correctly, should be mechanically blocked by the non-matching keying of the AGP slot on the board.
If a card actually is 2x-only but is keyed "universal", thus fitting 4x/8x-only boards, then things are in danger of going bzzzt. That because the signalling voltages don't match.
Originally posted by: billy2003
i have the kyro2 in my hands now. indeed it does not work with the nforce2. no post. does anyone else got it to work with kt600 or the sis 748 beside nemesismk2?
Originally posted by: Peter
1x/2x AGP with 1.5V signalling is something that doesn't (shouldn't) exist. 1x/2x modes use 3.3V signalling.
All SiS 746 or 748 boards I am aware of have their AGP slot keyed for 1.5V-only. 3.3V-only cards don't even fit, mechanically.