The new Fudo's will be "SLI", I forget what they call it. I understand it will not require a connector and it will be able to mix and match different card families. If this is true wouldn't it be great if they offered "backward" capability to the x800 family. Oh well, a dreamer's dream of the impossible dream. I am getting a x800xl, with my DFI SLI board (memory voltages, mmmmmm memory voltages) because that extra one hundred dollars between it and 6800gt is going to the PSU and cpu because I will add SLI in late summer, early fall (Ati or Nvidia) and I will simply sell my x800xl or put it in my second rig. I personally, will spend the extra 50 bucks for the SLI but I have an upgrade plan in place where it makes sense and I am not using the x850xt.