Does Hillary honestly have a shot?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Let's be serious here for a moment. Are we advanced enough of a society and government to say that Hillary Clinton has an honest shot at the white house? Or should she relent and use her supporters to help advance Obama past any republican candidate? I am not looking to flame female candidates overall, I'm simply wondering if the fight is worth fighting to push a female candidate into the white house, OR would our votes be better spent pushing the first african american candidate?



Golden Member
Oct 6, 2004
Female, negro, nor democrat have anything to do with it for me. I do not agree with many of their views.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: wnied
Let's be serious here for a moment. Are we advanced enough of a society and government to say that Hillary Clinton has an honest shot at the white house? Or should she relent and use her supporters to help advance Obama past any republican candidate? I am not looking to flame female candidates overall, I'm simply wondering if the fight is worth fighting to push a female candidate into the white house, OR would our votes be better spent pushing the first african american candidate?


It's not a question of if we're ready to vote for a woman. I think we are. But Hillary ain't that woman. It's not about her sex, it's about her policies and her past... Neither of which appeal to me (or 54% of the rest of the country for that matter)


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: wnied
Let's be serious here for a moment. Are we advanced enough of a society and government to say that Hillary Clinton has an honest shot at the white house? Or should she relent and use her supporters to help advance Obama past any republican candidate? I am not looking to flame female candidates overall, I'm simply wondering if the fight is worth fighting to push a female candidate into the white house, OR would our votes be better spent pushing the first african american candidate?


she would have a better chance than Obama. We have a few diehard liberals that are just in love with her. A few have made it all so obvious that Obama doesn't stand a chance because he is black. ( PC comments are "He's not ready" which means "we are not ready")



Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
The American voter can/will back an unknown/underdog.

Much depends on the opponent and what the unknown can provide as a vision.

Look at Clinton & Carter.

Look what happened to Dewey.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
This is what nominations are for, so that votes are not split. Until then they should fight like dogs.

I still do not think Hillary has a shot. She's too divisive. She doesn't turn on all democrats and republicans truly, deep-down abhor her because they hate a) her in general and b) the fact that she has Clinton as a last name, a reminder to them of 8 years of relative goodness compared to coming up on 8 years of bumbling crap from their guy; the contrast is too much to bear for them.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 1999
I am voting for Bill Clinton. I didn't know Hillary was in this race :)


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
This is what nominations are for, so that votes are not split. Until then they should fight like dogs.

I still do not think Hillary has a shot. She's too divisive. She doesn't turn on all democrats and republicans truly, deep-down abhor her because they hate a) her in general and b) the fact that she has Clinton as a last name, a reminder to them of 8 years of relative goodness compared to coming up on 8 years of bumbling crap from their guy; the contrast is too much to bear for them.

Hey, are you going to be able to vote this go around?
Feb 10, 2000
The polls say she does have a shot. I am a Democrat and am personally not crazy about her, but I would vote for her against any of the current Republican candidates, and think she is very bright and adequately qualified. I certainly don't feel she is obviously LESS electable than Obama - each of them has challenges (note Nebor's abhorrent-but-honest comment above: "I wouldn't vote for a female or a negro" - this is a common sentiment).


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: wnied
Let's be serious here for a moment. Are we advanced enough of a society and government to say that Hillary Clinton has an honest shot at the white house? Or should she relent and use her supporters to help advance Obama past any republican candidate? I am not looking to flame female candidates overall, I'm simply wondering if the fight is worth fighting to push a female candidate into the white house, OR would our votes be better spent pushing the first african american candidate?


You're really asking two related, but different, questions - does a woman have a shot (yes), and does Hilary have a shot (yes, but because she's already got a divisive reputation, she probably has less of a shot than Generic Qualified Female Candidate X). Overall, I think the US is more than ready to elect a woman and/or minority President, provided he/she is a qualified, appealing candidate.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
Originally posted by: wnied
Let's be serious here for a moment. Are we advanced enough of a society and government to say that Hillary Clinton has an honest shot at the white house? Or should she relent and use her supporters to help advance Obama past any republican candidate? I am not looking to flame female candidates overall, I'm simply wondering if the fight is worth fighting to push a female candidate into the white house, OR would our votes be better spent pushing the first african american candidate?


You think it's a matter of us not being "advanced" enough? How about the fact that many people simply dont trust the woman. She has more skeletons in her closet than any of the current candidates. The mainstream media just chooses to give her a pass, probably because she's a woman, so average uninformed voter just doesnt know about it yet. I'll bet the Republican attack machine is holding back on her, silently hoping the dems are stupid enough to nominate her. Then the gloves will come off, and she'll be forced to answer for her past, which she's never had to do. Any dem voter who wants a true shot at the white house had best line up behind Obama.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: wnied
Let's be serious here for a moment. Are we advanced enough of a society and government to say that Hillary Clinton has an honest shot at the white house? Or should she relent and use her supporters to help advance Obama past any republican candidate? I am not looking to flame female candidates overall, I'm simply wondering if the fight is worth fighting to push a female candidate into the white house, OR would our votes be better spent pushing the first african american candidate?

I don't think it will have much to do with her being female - and it certainly has nothing to do with being an "advanced enough of a society." There are plenty of other reasons to not vote for her...



Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Obama will be ground up like cheap meat in the Clintoon War Machine.

He is being kept around for entertainment by the Clinton's.

He might be drafted as a VP candidate to increase the Black turnout for the 2008 election.

The Clinton's have a vast and massively funded machine in place to advance their agenda, and crush their enemies.

The campaign money raised (reported amounts) pale in comparison to the soft money and Think Tank fund raising that never has her name on it, but is 100% committed to getting her elected.

The Center for American Progress is nothing but a Clintoon White House in's sole purpose is to serve the Clintoons.

Media Matters for America is another Clintoon mouthpiece, set up to squash negative news about Billary, and to smear opponents.

Then the more upfront organizations:
HILLPAC Hillary's purported
leadership PAC which is supposedly raising funds to distribute to OTHER Dems running for office. Well, thaht's not exactly what's happening..she's raising money, and spending it on the PAC's staff, which supports her political efforts...a clever way to circumvent the law..she is technically not raising money for her own campaign, but she sure isn't handing out much love ($$) to anyone else..mostly the money is getting eaten up on "overhead" which means staff supporting her needs (election).

this is in addition to her PAC that DOES raise money for her election...

I've never denied the Clintoons are exceptionaly smart...

Then, she has the one man money raising machine limit on what he can spend (of his own money) to help her get elected....

Obama is only there as a sparing partner for Hillary. He's a dead man walking if he seriously thinks he has any chance of besting Hillary.

Now, is Hillary electable? we're going to find out.



Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
I think she stands a chance only because of the money she has and the husband she pretends to be with. I really hope the left can wake up though cause she will not be good for their party, it will be 4 to 8 years of stale issues like flag burning and video game ratings. This country has some real issues to fix now and I don't think she knows how to do it.

That and also women with cancles should never be allowed out in public anyway ;)

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
As a liberal democrat Hillary has no great appeal to me---and she was dumb enough to vote for the Iraq war. But compared to the ultra right republican field she is infinitely preferable to any of those idiots. And I simply look at Hillary as another pandering politician. But thats just how I look at things.

But I think it would be near democratic suicide to run Hillary for Pres in 08 or ever. And I base that on the fact that Hillary makes too many Republicans foam at the mouth. Hillary is unique among democratic candidates in having really high negatives. And its those cross over votes that make the difference in any kind of a contest.

Fairly or unfairly---and like it or not--folks like Limbaugh have made Hillary automatically toxic with years of propaganda to hammer that message home. It has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman, her voting record, or anything else, she has become the boogie man to too many.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: DonVito
The polls say she does have a shot. I am a Democrat and am personally not crazy about her, but I would vote for her against any of the current Republican candidates, and think she is very bright and adequately qualified. I certainly don't feel she is obviously LESS electable than Obama - each of them has challenges (note Nebor's abhorrent-but-honest comment above: "I wouldn't vote for a female or a negro" - this is a common sentiment).
As happens so often, the Don concisely speaks what I think. :thumbsup:



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: DonVito
The polls say she does have a shot. I am a Democrat and am personally not crazy about her, but I would vote for her against any of the current Republican candidates, and think she is very bright and adequately qualified. I certainly don't feel she is obviously LESS electable than Obama - each of them has challenges (note Nebor's abhorrent-but-honest comment above: "I wouldn't vote for a female or a negro" - this is a common sentiment).
As happens so often, the Don concisely speaks what I think. :thumbsup:

I agree but I say the 'I wouldn't vote for a female or a Negro' comment is a common sentiment only among bigoted fools.


Feb 25, 2004
I'd vote for a woman, just not that one. And I'm certainly not going to be shamed into voting for a candidate I don't like.

Does she have any kind of plan or ideas whatsoever? All I've seen her do is "tackle" safe non-issues by doing stuff like attempting to draft unconstitutional anti-video game laws. She seems to have no actual principles or real priorities, just pointless pandering to whatever is the popular scape goat of the day happens to be. Granted, I haven't been watching the debates closely...but all I seem to hear out of her is "Grrrrr! Republicans!" I'm sorry but "Damn republicans!" is neither new material nor is it any kind of plan.



Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: DonVito
The polls say she does have a shot. I am a Democrat and am personally not crazy about her, but I would vote for her against any of the current Republican candidates, and think she is very bright and adequately qualified. I certainly don't feel she is obviously LESS electable than Obama - each of them has challenges (note Nebor's abhorrent-but-honest comment above: "I wouldn't vote for a female or a negro" - this is a common sentiment).
As happens so often, the Don concisely speaks what I think. :thumbsup:

I agree but I say the 'I wouldn't vote for a female or a Negro' comment is a common sentiment only among bigoted fools.

I was, of course, just joking. I wouldn't vote for either of them because they're gun grabbers, plain and simple.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Nebor
I was, of course, just joking. I wouldn't vote for either of them because they're gun grabbers, plain and simple.

do you honestly think anyone is going to take your guns?

the NRA owns washington... politicians will do what they've always done: pay lip service to their base while doing nothing in actuality about it. see also: Bush on gay marriage, family values, etc.