Obama will be ground up like cheap meat in the Clintoon War Machine.
He is being kept around for entertainment by the Clinton's.
He might be drafted as a VP candidate to increase the Black turnout for the 2008 election.
The Clinton's have a vast and massively funded machine in place to advance their agenda, and crush their enemies.
The campaign money raised (reported amounts) pale in comparison to the soft money and Think Tank fund raising that never has her name on it, but is 100% committed to getting her elected.
The Center for American Progress is nothing but a Clintoon White House in waiting...it's sole purpose is to serve the Clintoons.
Media Matters for America is another Clintoon mouthpiece, set up to squash negative news about Billary, and to smear opponents.
Then the more upfront organizations:
HILLPAC Hillary's purported
leadership PAC which is supposedly raising funds to distribute to OTHER Dems running for office. Well, thaht's not exactly what's happening..she's raising money, and spending it on the PAC's staff, which supports her political efforts...a clever way to circumvent the law..she is technically not raising money for her own campaign, but she sure isn't handing out much love ($$) to anyone else..mostly the money is getting eaten up on "overhead" which means staff supporting her needs (election).
this is in addition to her PAC that DOES raise money for her election...
I've never denied the Clintoons are exceptionaly smart...
Then, she has the one man money raising machine himself..Bill...no limit on what he can spend (of his own money) to help her get elected....
Obama is only there as a sparing partner for Hillary. He's a dead man walking if he seriously thinks he has any chance of besting Hillary.
Now, is Hillary electable? we're going to find out.