does HDD/CPU speed have an effect on Bit Torrent Download Speeds?


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
something i have noticed, is that when i DL LEGAL stuff on my main comp,(xp 2400+ gig of ram 7200 RPM HDD) my speeds are much better then when i Dl stuff on my other comp a Cele 750, 384 megs of ram 7200 RMP HDD

i can pull near line max on this comp ~600 k/s

on the other comp im lucky if i get 200 k/s

this happens with single torrents or when running a bunch of them,

not really an issue im just woundeirng if what i am seeing is true


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2001
no, it won't make a diff... the real problem is probably your main comp is DMZ and/or your ports are forwarded to your main comp, and your other comp is suffering from being all "local". check your router and set up some ports to forward for both comps... one good thing to do is turn on UPnP in your router, and enable the UPNP service in your windows(you'll need to also turn on the SSDP service)... then in BT(i suggest bittornado), check to make sure it uses UPnP("fast" if it works... you'll see it in the advanced tab... or "slow" if "fast" doesn't work)


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
i have it all forwarded correctly in the router, its al UPnP and each comp has its own specific ports to use, im useing azureus on all comps

when my bro is home i set his comp up the same way and he gets the faster speeds as well, he has a pentium moble lappy 2GHz, its just the cele that has the issues

both thoes servies are also on by defult


Sep 30, 2001
The CPU speed will affect downloads. Lots of power has to be devoted to verify each of the tiny bits that you download, not to mention that you have to deal with multitudes of incoming and outgoing connections and deciding which one of those connections to grab a certain part from.

Using Azureus go into options and click on Files -> Performance Options

There are plenty of options in there to make it more friendly on a slower CPU. A 750mhz Celeron isn't much to speak of, what kind of utilization do you get when downloading a torrent as well?


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2001
is the UPnP working on azureus(i don't use it)? try bittornado and see if it is really port forwarded via upnp, because it is specifically stated in the advanced tab that it IS using upnp


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Savarak
is the UPnP working on azureus(i don't use it)? try bittornado and see if it is really port forwarded via upnp, because it is specifically stated in the advanced tab that it IS using upnp

i would assume YES because you dont actually NEED to pass anything through the router if you are th eonly one useing it, the setting is ON by default, however if you try running it on more then oen comp it errors you because it cant map the ports because they are in use, tho i see there is an option to map ports even if they are allready in use

i changed some of the performance options that seemed to help a lil bit