Does anyone really believe all the BS from Hannity?


Feb 1, 2008
I hardly ever watch Fox, but was curious how Hannity was spinning the latest news.
Well... for a station and a person that claims only they tell people the truth, and everyone else is just FAKE NEWS, Hannity and Fox sure seem preoccupied with what is happing over at those FAKE NEWS networks.

And this OH POOR DONALD TRUMP spin with Hannity pushing his line that Donald Trump has done more good than bad. So, focus only on the good, never the bad.
Richard Nixon did some good as well.
Nixon opened up relations with China, for one achievement, so did that mean Americans should have simply ignored Watergate and corruption and focused solely on China?
And too, should that alone have given Richard Nixon a free pass out of jail concerning accountability?
All the dirt, the crimes, the cover-ups, etc etc?
Is THAT how it works with presidents caught with their pants down? Or their hand in the cookie jar?

Oh by the way, Giuliani is once again on Hannity tonight giving still another explanation, having had the other explanations failed so miserably.
I would never support Donald Trump nor give him advice in general, but really... Donald needs to cut this Giuliani guy lose. Who needs this?
There is no way Giuliani would or could ever make things better for Donald Trump.
That would be against the laws of nature.
And, Giuliani despite his past achievements in law enforcement, Giuliani has either suffered some sort of mental breakdown, or brain damage from abusing narcotics, or something?
Obviously, a major detachment from his brain and his mouth.
Giuliani is about as nutty as they come.
My advice to Donald Trump... RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY from Giuliani.
No good can ever come from this.
Giuliani is the one bad apple that just might talk Donald Trump into firing Mueller.
Or firing Rosenstein. Or more likely both.

And for us out here in TV land?
This is the very best in reality TV. Right up Trump's alley.
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May 11, 2002
To answer your topic..
Does anyone really believe?

We don't live in one country anymore.. There are some that live in The Twilight zone and others who live in Truth zone.

Depends on where you live I guess
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Feb 1, 2008
Giuliani.... simply amazing.
"This president paid a prostitute to keep quite, sure he has no morals what so ever, sure he is the lowest of the low but.... wasn't illegal! He did nothing illegal!
Paying off prostitutes, cheating on your wife, dragging down the morals of America is perfectly fine. So whats all the big deal here?"
And naturally, Hannity fully agrees.

I wouldn't allow Hannity to babysit my dog.
WHAT a scum bag.
Sorry, I should never say that.
Scumbags have much higher morals than Hannity..

Simply amazing.....


Jan 14, 2013
Hannity has been in 2nd place for my worst person in America award lately, after 1st place Donald Trump.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Giuliani.... simply amazing.
Paying off prostitutes, cheating on your wife, dragging down the morals of America is perfectly fine. So whats all the big deal here?"
And naturally, Hannity fully agrees.

most of the MAGA dudes on r/conservative have this viewpoint:

I'm sorry your feels about other people's sex life rubs you the wrong way. If you vote for morally pure politicians you'll get Holders and Warrens instead since no one cares about what you care about.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
yeah, millions of Trumpettes. Which is scary and kinda sad.
Wondering when he's gonna be thrown under the bus.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
how can you blame Hannity? There is obviously a market for this. It's the stupid Amercans' fault.


Jan 14, 2013
most of the MAGA dudes on r/conservative have this viewpoint:

I don't care too much about a politician's sex life either - I just care about the hypocrisy of their religious supporters, and, when the politician in question supports things like faith-based initiatives in government and the such. That's the issue I have. If you want to live your life religiously go for it, but when you are a total hypocrite about it, then stfu and get out. your opinion is invalid.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I love Hannity and Fox as of late. Fox has done more to reveal Trump's criminality directly than any other network.

Keep up the good work!


Jun 23, 2004
Does anyone really believe all the BS from Hannity?

Hannity? He is the only moral compass and truth speaker in the world. Or so say some elderly family members. o_O

And I'll note. This topic hardly appears to be about Hannity himself, but rather the words and claims he makes up to defend Trump. This is really another Trump centric topic. I recall two years ago I had convinced one of them that Trump should never be President. But that was the primary election, and when it came time for the general election he turned back to Trump. Do you know why? Partisanship. Because Democrats said bad things about him... so they must be lies. If Democrats say Trump is bad then reality must be that Trump is a saint.

Blind, mad dog, partisanship is all corrupting.

Thunder 57

Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2007
Hannity? He's a dingleberry. Even before the election I always thought of him as a right wing shill. He countered any pick of a left wing shill. Obama could have cured cancer and Hannity would find a reason as to why that was bad.

Now that there is even more coming out about, not only is a shill, but a hypocrite.


Jun 19, 2000
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?


Oct 15, 1999
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?
It's just part and parcel of team sports.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?

We'll need a chant. LOCK HIM UP maybe.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
We'll need a chant. LOCK HIM UP maybe.

It's always interesting to see the intellectual blind spot here where conservatives think liberals must be just like them. They think Obama used the IRS to attack his political enemies because that's what they would do. (see Trump's efforts to get the DOJ to attack his enemies) It doesn't dawn on them that some people view government as a tool for helping people, not as one for hurting their enemies.


Dec 15, 2015
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?
Hate's a strong word. I'd say volatility, ire, and frustration.

Presumably, it'd be directed at whatever other fuckstick corrupt politician is so flagrantly disregarding law and order for their own personal gains. Maybe a few more conservative pedophiles or whatever can make our shitlist. If they're all gone, we can blither a bit about policy decisions, but it likely won't be quite the constitutional crisis as we're seeing now.

Frankly I'd love a world where this was a boring forum, and we could go back to caring more about the annoying anti-competitive nature of NVIDIA or something, but no, instead we have threats of WW3 and the collapse of government, so we talk about that instead.
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Feb 6, 2002
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?
If Rachel Maddow starts advising the next Democratic President and schilling for them we will have the same problem


Oct 18, 2005
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?



Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Indeed they do. My extended family is full of Evangelical Fox addicts and they love the guy. They loved (and still love) O'Reilly and Trump too, though if they had a (D) next to their name they'd be full of fire and brimstone. Fox is the "best" of their news sources, which also include their Church(es), chain emails, and facebook shares from places like Breitbart and lots of "SHARE IF YOU THINK TRUMP WAS ELECTED BY GOD TO SAVE US!!!!!". Fucking nuts.... Many are elderly, kindly old souls (if you are white and Christian at least) but I literally think they would rip Hillary and Obama limb from limb if they had the chance. And they are uber-motivated to vote!
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Mar 9, 2005
I wonder what the next alt-right news source crawling out from under a fresh guano pile in the worlds largest bat cave will be?:eek:


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?

Oh, the irony of projection. The hypocrisy of projection. The pathetic sadness that leads to projection.

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm curious. Assume Trump and Hannity are out of the picture. Gone, nonexistent, whatever it takes for you. Where would you be directing all the hate? Is there like a list or something, a pecking order or does the media control where you direct it and you just march to their beat?

When you're back in power will there be an enemies of the state list?
You sound like a person driven by some very big moral concerns lurking behind your questions. You sound like you are worried like you need to convince yourself of something. Might the hate you talk about be your own directed at yourself for not understanding consciously how Trump and Hannity have you fooled but knowing it in your gut?

And look at it this way. I don't hate Trump or Hannity because they are traitors. I just want them tired and legally executed for it since that the traditional penalty and I believe also that conservative permissiveness of criminal behavior is destroying American morality. Really, all that is is tough love.