Am I alone here? Back in the day of the Cyrix and AMD K6-2's, I had a socket 7 system with an M2-300 @ 262.5. After that I "upgraded" (wow, never knew upgrading decreased performance) to a K6-2/350 and then upgraded to a K6-3+/450@600. Anyhow.. the mobo I had was the FIC VA-503+. I know lots of people hate/hated VIA (the mobo uses VIA MVP3 chipset), but it was fast and worked well for me. Except for one thing, I'm not sure what to attribute the problem to. Every now and then, sometimes happening more often than other times, the keyboard randomly dies. As in ... you're about to start typing something, you hit a key, nothing happens. You un-plug the keyboard, you plug it back in, and the keyboard magically works! Do you have any idea how frustrating that can be when it happens several times per day, or once and then again 2 minutes later? :|
Could it be a faulty ps/2 port? bad motherboard? bad keyboard? other than that everything in the system including keyboard worked perfectly...
one thing I noticed, is that sometimes when the keyboard died, if I was in win98, I could hit alt-ctrl-del and still get the menu, even though nothing worked when i tried to type...
at this point I'm on a tbird system and I have the ECS K7S5A. Do you see a pattern? I paid $125 for my VA-503+ at the time, and I paid $120 for my K7S5A ($99 these days). Cheap motherboards - bad PS/2 ports?? I never had a problem with the mouse. And YES I am plugging in the mouse where it says to plug in the mouse, and keyboard where it says to plug in keyboard - just in case you were thinking I was plugging them in the wrong place
But seriously... if it happened before and happens now, could it be two weird mobos or a bad keyboard? All my keys are perfect, the keyboard is nice, clean, never spilled anything on it... I don't damage my computer hardware or anything either. I'm careful when I work in the PC. the keyboard is a Lite-On. reputable enough company aren't they? I paid an insane $80 for this keyboard.. store ripped me off bad.
Ideas anyone? I would REALLY appreciate if I could get some comments on this.
Could it be a faulty ps/2 port? bad motherboard? bad keyboard? other than that everything in the system including keyboard worked perfectly...
one thing I noticed, is that sometimes when the keyboard died, if I was in win98, I could hit alt-ctrl-del and still get the menu, even though nothing worked when i tried to type...
at this point I'm on a tbird system and I have the ECS K7S5A. Do you see a pattern? I paid $125 for my VA-503+ at the time, and I paid $120 for my K7S5A ($99 these days). Cheap motherboards - bad PS/2 ports?? I never had a problem with the mouse. And YES I am plugging in the mouse where it says to plug in the mouse, and keyboard where it says to plug in keyboard - just in case you were thinking I was plugging them in the wrong place
But seriously... if it happened before and happens now, could it be two weird mobos or a bad keyboard? All my keys are perfect, the keyboard is nice, clean, never spilled anything on it... I don't damage my computer hardware or anything either. I'm careful when I work in the PC. the keyboard is a Lite-On. reputable enough company aren't they? I paid an insane $80 for this keyboard.. store ripped me off bad.
Ideas anyone? I would REALLY appreciate if I could get some comments on this.