Does any place even sell the Black Lian-Li PC-65 with the aquarium mod anymore?

Jun 23, 2002
I remember a long time ago that Lian-Li had an aquarium mod. :) I'm building a computer and I thought that it would be pretty funny to have it on there. Anyways, I've been searching to see if there's a **black** (not white!) PC-65 with the aquarium mod? Or if there is an aquarium mod kit that I can just buy to replace an existing Lian-LI PC-6* case?

Anyone have any links? Thanks!


Jul 22, 2004
I checked the usual suspects and didn't see a black PC-65 with aquarium mod. I found a few silver ones, but thats it. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I ever saw a black aquarium side panel for sale or in the reviews I read about it so they may not have been made in black. You might be able to buy the silver side panel, remove the aquarium, and then fit it to a normal black side panel, but no garuntees in terms of fit and difficulty. Looking at low-res pictures on websites it looks roughly the same size as the normal Lian-Li window, but it could be an inch or two off and I wouldn't know, and since they use rivets to secure their windows it might be a pain to secure the aquarium to the black side panel.
Jun 23, 2002
Hrm, this place has it, but... the thumbnail is of a white one, but the descriptiion is of a black one.

I'm not sure if I should trust taht or not.

EDIT: Uck, they have 3.33 on resellerratings! How horrible!

Oh well, I would REALLY like it in black, but do you know any reliable places that have it in silver? Just in case I can't find one? Thanks.

But I would REALLY like it in black.


Jul 22, 2004
Well, several of my earlier finds were from suspect stores, but there is one from xoxide, which scored decently in resellerratings (9.33 with 230 6month reviews). Its in an odd part of their website though, here's a direct link since I couldn't find it in their normal listing:

Thinkgeek also had it and showed up on my search at a lower price, but they don't seem to list it anymore.

Coolerguys has a PC-6010 case with aquarium side panel (and an 8.5/26 rating):

The price for the kit itself seems to have gone up from what I remember, but the cases are still reasonable.