So I watched it last night. It was sorta disappointing.
I think the standalone specials are quite different from the series episodes.
The Doctor doesn't have the Companion storyline in these specials, and that's a big part of the series.
The specials where he has an immediate rapport with the person who acts as the Companion for the special are ok. Kylie Minogue comes to mind. And Michelle Ryan was ok.
Last nights Companion, the Captain, didn't seem all that great.
What else was missing from last nights special was that the Doctor always finds a way to communicate with the aliens, but last night he didn't.
So without the Companion storyline, or the alien interaction it didn't seem much a like a Dr. Who.
I thought last nights special was the last appearance by David Tennant, but it looks like he will at least be in some of the next special, perhaps just to transition to the new Doctor.
And, btw, the next special will be on this coming Saturday, at 9pm on BBC America. And it looks to be a two parter.