Do you have an emergency plan?


Sep 21, 2001
In case of natural or manmade disaster? I'm on the west coast so earthquakes come readily to mind, but ice/snow storms, hurricanes, terrorist attack, whatever floats your boat. Or even something as simple as fire.

Where do you go? How do you reach family/friends? How do you reach/take care of kids/pets? Do you stock up on food and/or water? Do you have/know where fire extinguishers are?

I'm a tad paranoid about stuff like this (doesn't hurt that the building I work in, the floor I work on, completely collapsed in the last earthquake) and these are plans I keep intending to make and haven't gotten around to. I'd love some ideas or suggestions, or just to hear what others do/don't do.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
We have a fire extinguisher. 6 year old son sleeps in the basement and we've taught him multiple times what to do if the fire alarm goes off and how to get out using the window if he needs to (even breaking it if necessary) and going to a neighbor's to call 911.

There's about 2 weeks worth of food and water stored under our stairs in case we're ever snowed in. But we do need to get some kind of alternative heater in case the power were to ever go out in the winter.


Nov 28, 2001
We really should. Vancouver is ground 0 for the next big one, like 8.5 big one (well actually Victoria and Souther Vancouver Island will be worse but no need to plan there just kiss your ass good buy ;) ). But we love to procrastinate so we're just going to die. Actually we do have an OK first aid kit but it's not in a good place. We usually also have 1 or 2 extra full 18L water bottles but again they should be in a better place for an emergency. Not much extra food to speak of, nothing you would want to survive on anyway.


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
I've done absolutely nothing to prepare :eek:

Is New Zealand prone to many natural disasters? I guess being on the Ring of Fire as it is it's a stupid question?
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Locut0s
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
I've done absolutely nothing to prepare :eek:

Is New Zealand prone to many natural disasters? I guess being on the Ring of Fire as it is it's a stupid question?

We have a pretty dense collection of volcanoes and Auckland is prone to Earthquakes, but other than that not really. No tornadoes, cyclones/hurricanes or anything like that. I'm not currently living near any volcanoes. Tsunamis could be a problem in theory but not historically. We're pretty safe here.
Jun 27, 2005
I have lots of guns and ammo... therefore I can prey on the hippies in Paia who bought the canned/dried food and bottled water but thought guns were evil.

Muahahaha... *evil grin*


Jan 16, 2001
Everyone's talking about their preparations to survive in this world. What if you DON'T? What preparations have you made for the NEXT world? Have you lived your life according to the instructions given to us by the Lord? Have you spoken to Jesus today? You should.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Everyone's talking about their preparations to survive in this world. What if you DON'T? What preparations have you made for the NEXT world? Have you lived your life according to the instructions given to us by the Lord? Have you spoken to Jesus today? You should.

Zombies don't care about Jesus.


Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Everyone's talking about their preparations to survive in this world. What if you DON'T? What preparations have you made for the NEXT world? Have you lived your life according to the instructions given to us by the Lord? Have you spoken to Jesus today? You should.

i asked him yesterday about doing the edging a little cleaner and paid him the usual

do i have to tip to get the special instructions? :confused:

/someone had to do it
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Everyone's talking about their preparations to survive in this world. What if you DON'T? What preparations have you made for the NEXT world? Have you lived your life according to the instructions given to us by the Lord? Have you spoken to Jesus today? You should.

I'll give him a call later. Honest. Just after this game of CoD4.


Jan 16, 2001
:laugh: I like the sarcastic replies...that's usually my type of reply to something like what I posted.

You guys do know I'm kidding, right? I'm one the anti-religion folks around here. I just wanted to post "The Jesus Reply" before one of the wackos did.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
I have lots of guns and ammo... therefore I can prey on the hippies in Paia who bought the canned/dried food and bottled water but thought guns were evil.

Muahahaha... *evil grin*

Not all of us "hippies" are afraid of guns..


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
I live on an island... if anyone/anything fuct up the bridges into NYC we're screwed anyway. Actually, we're screwed regardless because the traffic out would be so bad we wouldn't have much of a chance. And no, we don't have a basement.

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Plan, yes. Guns & ammo, yes (although more won't hurt). Supplies, yes (although more wouldn't hurt here either). Escape route and alternate location planned, yep (and they are more stocked than I am).


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Locut0s
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
I've done absolutely nothing to prepare :eek:

Is New Zealand prone to many natural disasters? I guess being on the Ring of Fire as it is it's a stupid question?

A sheep shortage would devastate the population.....

so many suicides..........


vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Here in the midwest the worst we have to worry about are tornados. And floods...but that's a little eaiser to avoid. I've got good plans for high availablity, but in the event of complete loss of home (Disaster recovery) things get a little messier.

Next home we build will be a little better prepared for something like this. This year alone we've been without power 5 or 6 days for more than 5 hours at a time. Some towns near us went 2-3 days at a time without power.

We will have a natural gas generator hardwired to the house so that in the event of power loss we'll still have a fully functional house. That is assuming that the natural gas line is still flowing but those are much less susceptable to physical outages.

Depending on the time of the year, I've got a 1/4 of a cow (bulk beef!) in the freezer. My water comes from a well so I'm not tied to any water issues from a city supplier. And since I'm on a generator backup I can still get access to it. We've also usually got enough canned goods and frozen vegetables stocked up to last us at least a couple weeks.

If we completely lost our home, then chances are pretty good that my parents, grandparents, and an uncle also lost theirs given proximity. In that case it's salvage what we can and grab a hotel or apartment until we come up with a gameplan to rebuild.

I'm prepared for 90% of problems that I could encounter where I live. The other's suck it up and play it as you go.

If I wanted to *REALLY* plan for doomsday I'd buy on of those $10,000 ethanol converters where you drop water in surgar in it overnight and it makes you a couple gallons of ethanol. That'd give me even more flexability assuming I had generator power to run it. Then I could still drive a car without depending on gas stations being running.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
I have about a years worth of food and several hundred thousand rounds of ammunition, reloading kit and plenty of spare powder, primers and bullets. Those who have ammo can take what they need from those who don't.


Feb 18, 2004
lame as it sounds, I'd likely go to work.

we have a week's worth of fuel in our generators and between all the fiber connections we have dropping in, there'd have to be internet access to *somewhere* so I could figure out wtf is going on and plan my next move.

I've got family in Canada, California, and Europe, so I'm not lacking places to flee to as long as I have a means of fleeing.

in terms of short-term emergencies, I've got enough food in my apartment to last 2 weeks or so, an oven that doesn't rely on electricity, and a neighbor who's a farmer.