Or this. Louis Farrakhan's sermon yesterday. He was given the keys the a city down here in Louisiana. Let’s not pretend this doesn’t exist.
The White man is a new man. Everywhere he went on this earth, he found human beings of color. Where did he come from?
Why should there be an end to him (White man)? Because his nature is not in harmony with the nature of God.
White man was only given 6,000 years (6 days) to rule. You cannot deny he has ruled but on what principle did he rule? Righteousness? Truth? Justice? Fairness? I don't think so.
Murder is in his (the White man's)nature.
He (the White man) is a natural liar. He can't help himself
Do you know where homosexuality began? Where's Sodom and Gomorrah?
We're the original people. Homosexuality didn't start with us. We didn't know anything about it.
In the Talmud they admitted to the rape of young boys under 9 years old.
White policemen in the Black community have their way with our women. And some of us offer our women to them.
Black people: When that policeman pulls you over he has the heart to kill you.
Black People: God wants you to separate from your enemy