I have a friend, whom I met years ago when he was homeless. He has since gotten a job, medication for his Schizophrenia, and an apartment. He is a good guy. For example, he could live off of disability, but he has a job washing dishes. Of course, if you are on disability, and take a job, they lower your check. This guy actually bikes to work 5 miles there and back, on a bike we got donated to him, for essentially $3 an hour because the first $5 of his check each hour lowerers his SSI payment). He does not drink or do drugs, he is just a little different, even with his schizoprenia treated. He had my old Moto Cliq. I hated that phone, but he loved it. Anyway, he broke it, so he is on a loaner phone from T-Mobile. Does anyone have an old Android they would donate to this guy? If anyone wants to check this story out, I am in Charleston, SC. Send me a PM.