Do the newer 266 FSB Mboards require DDR ram to use the full speed of 266 Mhz T-birds ?
In other words, will 133 Mhz SDRAM nullify the remaining two parts of the triangle of CPU, MB FSB speed and ram speed ?
In other words, would the use of 133 Mhz SDRAM force the 266 speeds of the MB and CPU to be brought down to a max of 133 Mhz ?
Or would high quality ram, such as compuwiz1? s 133 ram (and possibly to 155 Mhz) work fine with 266 Mhz speed and yet permit a 266 Mhz T-Bird to run to its full max in a 266 FSB Mb such as the Iwill KK266 ?
In other words, will 133 Mhz SDRAM nullify the remaining two parts of the triangle of CPU, MB FSB speed and ram speed ?
In other words, would the use of 133 Mhz SDRAM force the 266 speeds of the MB and CPU to be brought down to a max of 133 Mhz ?
Or would high quality ram, such as compuwiz1? s 133 ram (and possibly to 155 Mhz) work fine with 266 Mhz speed and yet permit a 266 Mhz T-Bird to run to its full max in a 266 FSB Mb such as the Iwill KK266 ?