Do muslim exremists consider Chinese to be infidels?


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2008
If so, why don't we hear about attacks on them?

If not, then why not? A good majority of them aren't Muslim.

What do you think would happen if ISIS bombed Shanghai?

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Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
China has a large Muslim population in the western region. There has been some minor conflicts with the Hans, the majority. The Chinese government deals with any trouble maker very harshly.


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2014
I'm more curious to what USA's reaction would be if it happened to them again.


Sep 12, 2012
The Chinese don't worry about political correctness. They deal with issues very harshly. Compare that to America. We can't do anything without being blasted in the media.

Fox News had an American General on he was concerned that we aren't able to go after the terrorists because of the PC atmosphere that has taken over our military/society. I normally disagree with Fox, but not on this.


Oct 30, 2008
Pretty much the government controls the news. They can do things American government can't get away with. Plus, there is a very large Muslim population in China. And, isn't most of the hate towards westernization of ideals. China has strong, non western ideals and culture throughout doesn't it?


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2014
The Chinese don't worry about political correctness. They deal with issues very harshly. Compare that to America. We can't do anything without being blasted in the media.

Fox News had an American General on he was concerned that we aren't able to go after the terrorists because of the PC atmosphere that has taken over our military/society. I normally disagree with Fox, but not on this.

I remember political correctness crap back in the early 90's. Is this resurgence because of Obama?


Senior member
Sep 5, 2012
And extremists don't attack Germany either.Why! because Germany doesn't bother the extremist and mind their own business ,and don't spend their money with war in Syria ,
And we see that Germany has not been in crisis like all the other countries in Europe, they get richer while all other countries get poor,in time of economic crisis is interesting.
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Sep 12, 2012
I remember political correctness crap back in the early 90's. Is this resurgence because of Obama?
Well it got its start in the 1990s. Over the last 10 years the PC crowd has been relentless. You need to look no further than our schools, and the liberal agenda that they've forced on our children. IMO, some of it is fine, but we've gone to far and we will pay for it. The world is a dangerous place. War is nasty. People die. Even innocent people. Yes, that means innocent little babies and women.

ISIS will find our weak points and manipulate them. We are currently having Syrian refuges coming thru the Mexican borders. The border guards aren't even allowed to question them. They have to let them thru. No questions asked, because by law they arent allowed to ask questions. ISIS is going to use this to their advantage, and sneak in terrorist.

Sadly, we never learn.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005


Jan 28, 2002
We are currently having Syrian refuges coming thru the Mexican borders. The border guards aren't even allowed to question them. They have to let them thru. No questions asked, because by law they arent allowed to ask questions. ISIS is going to use this to their advantage, and sneak in terrorist.

Sadly, we never learn.

Where the hell do you get your information?


Feb 8, 2000
And extremists don't attack Germany either.Why! because Germany doesn't bother the extremist and mind their own business ,and don't spend their money with war in Syria ,
And we see that Germany has not been in crisis like all the other countries in Europe, they get richer while all other countries get poor,in time of economic crisis is interesting.

Germany was actually in Afghanistan. Other potential reasons: better economic conditions, better security. Not sure how they integrate or screen immigrants.

There is some underlying conflict in France that has been around for more than a decade. See 2005 French riots:


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Well, let's just say if a punk goes into a movie theater and starts shooting, he will be dead and his whole immediate family will suddenly be m.i.a.
In USA, more than a year later, he's still breathing and a movie about him will be made. Only in Americuh
Mar 11, 2004
i'll blame them both I guess. I hate political correctness crap...speak your mind or fuck off.

I love people speaking their minds. I love it even more when they find out that their opinions are pretty shitty and people speak their minds back to them. But hey, if someone speaks their mind in return then that's censorship! "Whaaaaa they called me out for being a bigoted ignorant fucking piece of shit! Whaaaa."

So by all means, say what's on your mind, but stop acting like getting called out for being an asshole is somehow PC.

If some people are so goddamned tired of PC then why don't they take their own advice and STFU and ignore it? Serious question. I see a ton of people who complain endlessly about "PC bullshit" yet they can't stop talking about it while they also tell people they accuse of being overtly PC that they're too sensitive and need to ignore it and stop making a big deal about it. But then if people couldn't talk out of their asses they'd probably suffocate because they redirected the shit to come out of their mouths.

Since 1962 actually.

What? B-b-but all this is just a recent development and its totally because of PC culture forced by Obama! And those goddamn socialists! Because it was so much better when the West operated more as imperalistic Fascists! :rolleyes:

I really wish people would spend some time to learn history and understand that there's all manner of crazy shit that has been happening around the world basically constantly for centuries. And, despite it seeming to be the total opposite, by and large, it has actually gotten better as time goes on. There is of course still pockets where things have gotten a lot worse, but overall global issues have actually become more peaceful.

I see a shitload of people now that are convinced that ISIS is going to start World War 3 within the next few years.
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Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
I see a shitload of people now that are convinced that ISIS is going to start World War 3 within the next few years.

Bombing a Russian airliner, the attacks in Paris, killing indiscriminately in the ME, publicly executing children for watching a soccer game on TV, throwing gays off of buildings, etc. As far as I can tell, ISIS is asking for a global ass beating. I think they are more likely to unite countries rather than cause WWIII.