You look normal to me.
[aside]Why people feel obligated to be ASSH0LES to make snide comments about the girl is beyond me. The OP actually has A REAL GIRL, not a Fleshlight, blow up doll or his right hand...and that > idiots with their winky in their right hand and a list of stupid things to say in the other. If he's happy with her, great for him. Sheesh. [/aside]
But has been said already, it's difficult to tell with your suit on and only a shoulders-up pic. I'll say this; you're 5'11"/200. I'm 6'1"/220. Last summer I was 210...and I obviously know what I looked like.
You're 2" shorter than I. Unless you lift a lot of weights, you should probably lose at least 10 pounds.
Oh yeah; she's cute. :heart:
You're...22-24, right? Lose the goatee. It doesn't make you look any older or any cooler.