Do/Did your parents spoil you?


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2002
My parents kind of spoiled me as a kid, but when I got to Junior High they stopped. I had and have to pay for all my expensive but in an emergency my parents are willing to help me out but I still have to pay them back.
I only bring this up because I have a friend who is also 21 and is spoiled beyond belief. He doesn't have a job and wants to buy everything. When he gets the urge to buy something expensive he begs his dad to give him the money to buy stuff and hes always complaining that he doesn't have money but buys all kinds of expensive stuff.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
nope they set me straight...

as for my little brother, i think they got lazy and spoiled him to death, now he's getting excellent grades in high school (1.33 academic gpa :\) i think that spoiling a child is teaching the kid that it's not hard to get wat u want in life :-\


Dec 18, 2001
When i was a kid yeah. Got to jr. high and not so much. High school i had to get a job and support myself basically (they paid for car insurance....about it).

College, mom would slip me a $20 every once in a while and talk my dad into giving me a few dollars, but that was about it. Now, nothing at all. (of course I AM 25...)