Originally posted by: xtknight
Then, can somebody explain what this is all about? http://www.emf-bioshield.com/emf/historique.html I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, it sure doesn't sound good.
Originally posted by: xtknight
Then, can somebody explain what this is all about? http://www.emf-bioshield.com/emf/historique.html I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, it sure doesn't sound good.
Originally posted by: Mark R
It depends how old your CRT is - if it is more than about 25 years old, then there may be some harmful ionising EM radiation (X-rays) emitted from the tube itself, and also from the flyback rectifier.
When it was discovered that X-rays were harmful, CRT designs were changed - tubes were made from lead glass (to provide shielding), voltages were strictly controlled (legal limit is about 27,000 V these days - before that 30-40,000 might not have been uncommon), and solid-state rectifiers no-longer emit X-rays
Laptops and Radiation
Another common misconception about non-ionizing radiation is that laptop computers with liquid crystal displays (LCDs) do not emit radiation. By its nature, the LCD's need for current is minuscule; therefore, an LCD emits very low levels of magnetic fields. However, LCDs emit correspondingly high levels of electric fields. An exception to this is the more popular version of the LCD, the backlit display. Backlit displays, unlike their lower resolution, lower contrast predecessors, can emit significant levels of both magnetic fields and electric fields.
Originally posted by: Spencer278
If it was harmful then I'm sure every maker of CRT or LCD would be sued many times by now. There not being sued so there for I think they are safe.
Originally posted by: genghislegacy
yes it's harmful, but the front side is ok, just don't sit at the back of a monitor all day - the back emits much more radiation.
Originally posted by: George Powell
Originally posted by: genghislegacy
yes it's harmful, but the front side is ok, just don't sit at the back of a monitor all day - the back emits much more radiation.
That's really reassuring to those who work in a high density office.
Originally posted by: xtknight
What about LCDs?
[sarcasm]I think we're all going to die someday by sitting in front of our monitors.[/sarcasm] Honestly though, is this not like cell phones near our heads but just a little farther? I'm not trying to scare people off of their PCs, I just wondered. I used to get bad aches in the back of my neck, but ever since I started using LCDs I don't have this problem anymore. Could this be related?
Funny how myths die hard. Google it. Any evidence out there is tenuous at best.Originally posted by: SagaLore
Nah, nobody is suing cookware manufacturers even though aluminum leeches into food which is linked to alzheimers or heated scratched teflon coating produces fumes toxic enough to kill birds.
Originally posted by: L00PY
Funny how myths die hard. Google it. Any evidence out there is tenuous at best.Originally posted by: SagaLore
Nah, nobody is suing cookware manufacturers even though aluminum leeches into food which is linked to alzheimers or heated scratched teflon coating produces fumes toxic enough to kill birds.
Polytetraflouethylene fumes during cooking should be the least of your concerns.
Bah. I would have thought HT would have been able to sort out the general web dross. Or seeing that those sites claiming a definitive link have little or no research to support their position. If you couldn't see the junk in the previous basic search, try this slightly revised google search. Or better yet, from that search, there's this pdf that shows that there's contradictary results for any possible Al-AD link.Originally posted by: SagaLore
Nice search, all of the results talk about aluminum being linked to alzheimers. What is the "myth" you're talking about? A collection of aluminum in the brain was observed in alzheimers patients, it was part of a scientific study.
The key was "fumes toxic enough to kill birds" doesn't mean a whole lot when talking about toxicity in humans. Canaries were much more sensitive to environmental risks and died at levels much lower than would kill humans. They indicated conditions were worsening to levels that might put humans to risk. Just toxic enough to kill birds doesn't mean that they'll kill us too. Now if were to say "fumes toxic enough to kill an ox", that would actual suggest that the fumes are bad to us too.Why? Canaries died in coal mines because of gas leaks which were harmful to humans as well, the birds just gave the faster warning.Polytetraflouethylene fumes during cooking should be the least of your concerns.
Originally posted by: everman
Originally posted by: xtknight
Then, can somebody explain what this is all about? http://www.emf-bioshield.com/emf/historique.html I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, it sure doesn't sound good.
It's about scaring people into buying your product. You don't need a tin-foil hat.
I think there's more comming out the back of a crt than the front iirc?
edit: wow I actually looked at the item they're selling, 4 little light bulb things for $150 to stick on your monitor :Q
Rare Earth salt????The EMF-Bioshield® protection system is made of two small spheres (or mini-bulbs) of 25 mm in diameter in neutral plastic. They contain solutions of rare earths salts with specific electromagnetic properties.
EMF-Bioshield® System 1: US $115.00
(for screens with a diagonal dimension of up to 14"), and
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A S&H $10.00 charge is added per set (sliding scale with multiple orders).
Originally posted by: L00PY
Originally posted by: SagaLore
The key was "fumes toxic enough to kill birds" doesn't mean a whole lot when talking about toxicity in humans. Canaries were much more sensitive to environmental risks and died at levels much lower than would kill humans. They indicated conditions were worsening to levels that might put humans to risk. Just toxic enough to kill birds doesn't mean that they'll kill us too. Now if were to say "fumes toxic enough to kill an ox", that would actual suggest that the fumes are bad to us too.Why? Canaries died in coal mines because of gas leaks which were harmful to humans as well, the birds just gave the faster warning.Polytetraflouethylene fumes during cooking should be the least of your concerns.
You can't sue someone if you're dead. You can if you get sick though. However not deadly it is, it's still toxic and harmful to your body.
Here's a cool Science project on aluminum and iron cookware.
The pdf you showed me is completely inconclusive, although it's a nice read. It states that for every study suggesting that aluminum may be linked, there is another study that could not confirm the results. It does not say that those studies invalidated the previous studies, just that they're still inconclusive.
Let's look at few of the things it does admit - Aluminum is known to be toxic to the nervous system, aluminum promotes aggregation of the protein fragment beta-amyloidal into the amyloidal plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer abnormality, studies finding the most consistent link have examined elevated levels of aluminum in drinking water and increased incidence of Alzheimer's.
On the flipside, some studies do not show elevated aluminum in the Alzheimer brain, research has failed to document a clear elevation of Alzheimer risk in individuals with occupational exposure to aluminum, there is no evidence that Alzheimer's disease is more prevalent in cultures that drink large amounts of tea (the leaves accumulate large amounts of aluminum).
So when I look at these two sets of data, my conclusion is that Aliminum is clearly risk, but scientists haven't quite figured out why. The problem is how you get aluminum into your body. Cookware, foil, soda cans, and pipes are made of elemental aluminum. Foods contain natural aluminum compounds that are compatible with our system. Concerning the statement about tea leaves: Elemental analysis of tea leaves The aluminum that is in them are another compound, not elemental aluminum.
The ignore all of this is... ignorance, or denial.
Ignorance or denial? Kind of how you deny the other half of what you quoted?Originally posted by: SagaLore
Let's look at few of the things it does admit - Aluminum is known to be toxic to the nervous system, aluminum promotes aggregation of the protein fragment beta-amyloidal into the amyloidal plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer abnormality, studies finding the most consistent link have examined elevated levels of aluminum in drinking water and increased incidence of Alzheimer's.
Originally posted by: L00PY
Ignorance or denial? Kind of how you deny the other half of what you quoted?Originally posted by: SagaLore
Let's look at few of the things it does admit - Aluminum is known to be toxic to the nervous system, aluminum promotes aggregation of the protein fragment beta-amyloidal into the amyloidal plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer abnormality, studies finding the most consistent link have examined elevated levels of aluminum in drinking water and increased incidence of Alzheimer's.
"Aluminum is known to be toxic to the nervous system" vs. "Aluminum is known to be toxic to the nervous system, but its effects differ from those of Alzheimer's disease"?
"Aluminum promotes aggregation of the protein fragment beta-amyloidal into the amyloidal plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer abnormality" vs "There is some evidence that in laboratory cultures of nerve cells, aluminum promotes aggregation of the protein fragment beta-amyloidal into the amyloidal plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer abnormality. However efforts to correlate aluminum levels with plaque density in people with Alzheimer's have been inconclusive."
That there's contradictary data suggests that there isn't a clear Al-AD link.