Nasty. I hate dealing with raw chicken. I pretty much buy it frozen and throw it in the oven frozen and cook it for like an hour. Not that this would stop worms.... I never even considered that.
Occasionally when eating chicken I'll hit a spot that tastes really nasty, I find that can ruin my appetite for the whole meal. The chicken will taste great and all then suddenly, hit that one spot. Can never figure out what it is. I wonder if it's bugs/worms/etc. I can never tell a difference by looking at the place I bit into though, it will look normal, just have a bad taste to it. I'm not even sure how to describe the taste. It's almost like a rotten taste. Anyone ever notice that? It seems to be typical of lower quality chicken like fast food... McDonald's McNuggets are notorious for it, I don't even eat those anymore. it's too bad because they actually taste good, except for when you hit a bad one.
I buy my chicken from a local meat place now where it's higher quality organic meat. Grain fed, free range etc... So far I have been lucky with that chicken, it taste great and never have I hit one of those "bad" spots. And now I will have to start checking for worms, thanks for even making me think of that.