Dilemma OVER A GIRL-(Updated with 100% more drama)


Senior member
Aug 13, 2005
I get up this morning and prepare for my usual daily walk. As I'm starting my walk, I notice a cop patrolling the area. I continue walking, thinking nothing of it, when I spot a rough looking guy walking towards me from the opposite end of the sidewalk. I continue to proceed. However, as I get near him, the guy walks straight into me, just to be an ****. I turn and ask him what his problem is and he says something like, "What *****, you talking to me?" I reply with something like, "Yeah ****". He starts getting in a fighting position and antagonizing me to do something about it. I don't do anything until he takes a swing at me. I block his blow, and the next thing I know, the cop that was patrolling earlier stops and takes us both in. He claims he didn't see it all, so, it's necessary to apprehend both of us because it's not his duty to take sides.

At the police station, I'm sitting in the waiting area, when I notice this really attractive young lady who is sitting adjacent to me. I glance up at her a few times since she is stunning. She smiles at me and I smile back a few times.

Well, given that I had to wait, I decide to strike up a conversation with her. She asks me what I'm doing there. I tell her that I work there and am just taking a break. I don't want to come off as some sort of thug. Well, suffice it to say we hit it off pretty good. She tells me that she is seeing this guy off and on but that it isn't serious.

As the conversation is starting to near it's end, she states that she has to catch her ride. Reacting swiftly, I ask her out, not giving a damn about this other guy since she claims it isn't serious. She is ok with going out and we plan for Friday.

Well, Friday comes along and we go on the date and hit it off really well. We talk about movies, career aspirations, all the boring crap you expect on a first date. There is a lot of chemistry going on between us, and I'm getting those signals that she wants to extend the date. I pay the bill and we are off to my place.

The next morning, I take her home in my car. As I approach the house, she asks me if I want to come inside briefly to see her house. I think nothing of it and decide to take the offer. Upon reaching her bedroom, she tells me to STOP immediately and wait. I overhear some commotion and am puzzled at the sound of a guy. Is it the guy who she is supposedly seeing, I wonder? He hears me and opens the door.

Once the door opens, it's the SAME GUY who walked into me. He starts yelling obscenities and says he has a gun. I run for my car and try to get the hell out of there as fast as I can. I escape intact, but am left in a dilemma. I really like this girl but am afraid to even call her again. What should I do? :confused:

*Sorry for the longish post, I wanted to give you all a sense of the events*


Ok, so I'm sitting at my desk, and contemplating my next move. I'm thinking, maybe she is the "one" and decide that I must call back. If it doesn't work out, oh well, at least I got "some" to compensate me for all my troubles with this guy. So I dial her number and she actually answers.

She is very upset upon answering. I don't see why, considering that I was the one who had to put up with the SOB. She tells me that deep down, he's really a nice guy, and that she had discussed what had happened that morning with him. Apparently, he thought I was taking too much of the sidewalk space and decided to just walk through me because he was having a bad morning. My reply wasn't what she was expecting. I guess I take a back seat to this guy when he has a bad day. I ask her a confounding question about what's acceptable to do during a bad day. Is it acceptable to go on a rampage, I ask. She tells me not to be a drama queen.

I also tell her that I find this guy to be a jerk and that I'm even sort of disappointed that she would choose such an individual. This really sets her off then. She starts getting loud over the phone saying how it's none of my f*****g business what kind of men she prefers. I tell her that if it's none of my business, why is she trying to ease the situation by telling me his side of the story. Can't she not see that his excuse is pure BS, I wonder?

Anyways, I decide to do what any level headed American male would do in this situation. I decide that the only way to make my position clear is to lay down an ultimatum. Either she likes me and wants to continue dating, or she wants to be with this guy. On that note, her reply was that she isn't ready for anything long-term and starts giving me wishy washy excuses that you would expect from a teenager, not an adult. She goes on telling me that she likes me, but that with such an occurence, it will be a cloud over our future. I ask her what the hell she is talking about since we only went on ONE damn date. She claims that I don't understand and that I'm coming off more narrow minded than what she remembers on the night.

I finally ask her what it's going to be. Either me or the guy. She says me, but on a couple of conditions. One, I have to apologize to this guy because she's known him for a long time and wants him to be at ease with the situation. I don't know how I can put this guy at ease if I'm essentially taking his woman from him. WTF? :confused: Second, I no longer walk the path that I usually walk. I can do this I tell her. Third, I have to live with the fact that if I ever get in trouble with the law again, it's over PERIOD.

Upon hearing all these conditions, I tell her that it's a no go. I can't make up with that SOB, and I can't promise the future. She becomes irate now. Yelling, how I'm this and that, and that she'll make up with that guy again and have him track me down and beat the living sh!t out of me. I tell her that while attractive, she fvcks like a limp noodle and expects men to just sit and wait on her. At this point, she is livid, and slams down the phone.

In a nutshell, the moral of this whole ordeal is that no woman is greater than your self respect. No woman can pull your strings if you don't let her. Well, I guess it's off to riding my bike now and hoping that I get hit by some bombshell in her car. ;) Thanks for all those who participated in helping me through this terrible situation. :)


Jan 15, 2001
wow, that is crazy. the odds of that happening are slim and none.

i would call her if you really feel like you hit it off. he is obviously a prick.

HOWEVER...since you know he is a prick, but she is still seeing him, you must realize there is probably something wrong with her.

good luck and i hope you dont get capped.

Agnostos Insania

Golden Member
Oct 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Bigsm00th
HOWEVER...since you know he is a prick, but she is still seeing him, you must realize there is probably something wrong with her.

Yeah, I'm not sure I'd entirely trust someone like that, especially when they pick up some random guy at the police station to cheat on her boyfriend with.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: TNM93
As I approach the house, she asks me if I want to come inside briefly to see her house. I think nothing of it and decide to take the offer.

This is the biggest shens of all. Either you're making it up or you're a dumb idiot. No guy after a good date would "think nothing" of a girl inviting you into her place.


Apr 12, 2001
first of all, shens. if it isn't shens, though, be careful. he may come after you if he finds out you're with the girl.

but again. shens.


Senior member
Aug 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Dangerer
if she was at the police station, how come you did not see her with her bf?

He was transported in another car. I have no idea why she wasn't with him.


May 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Syringer
Originally posted by: TNM93
As I approach the house, she asks me if I want to come inside briefly to see her house. I think nothing of it and decide to take the offer.

This is the biggest shens of all. Either you're making it up or you're a dumb idiot. No guy after a good date would "think nothing" of a girl inviting you into her place.

maybe there was a scary spider she wanted him to squash.


Senior member
Aug 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Syringer
Originally posted by: TNM93
As I approach the house, she asks me if I want to come inside briefly to see her house. I think nothing of it and decide to take the offer.

This is the biggest shens of all. Either you're making it up or you're a dumb idiot. No guy after a good date would "think nothing" of a girl inviting you into her place.

Sure I would, given that we SPENT the night together and I had to get to work.