Digital Speakers and Radio Interference

Nov 17, 2000

I recently Bought Altec Lansing 641 Speakers and a SB Audigy OEM Sound card.
Love both, but with the installation I have found I have a major pain of a problem:
I am picking up Radio Signal from a near-by Antenna(about 1/4 mile from my apartment) !!

My Roommate has Cheap Boston Acoustic digital speakers and they aren't picking up the radio signal.
As Far as I can tell the staticy sounds and Music that are on the 4 speakers don't seem to be present on the unshielded Subwoofer.

Is there anything I can do?
Changing the Speaker wires isn't a possibility because the wires for the speakers isn't detachable on the speaker side.
I called Altec about the problem and they suggested Ferrite rings or beads. -I need to know where to get them.
I went to Radio Shack they hooked me up with RF Chokes and told me to use them on the Wires to the speakers...did that, but nothing changed.

Does anyone know of a way of adding shielding to the speaker wires? Or maybe the interference is coming from elsewhere.
Nov 17, 2000
Not just buzzing, the whole entire radio station. Music and talk.

it's not loud, just a sound equal to everything turned to about 1, whisper loudness.

and it's constant as long as the Sub is on, Radio Station is there.


Senior member
May 12, 2001
sorry bro, that's beyond me... I've never heard of such a thing. Personally, I would return the speakers and get different ones hoping it's not the soundcard.
Nov 17, 2000
Well I am pretty sure its not the soundcard as the signal is produced on my Motherboard's SC too...

And I have found and will try as soon as they get here, Ferrite Rings.

Unfortunately, I fear this problem may also be a result of the unshielded Subwoofer :disgust:

And more, the next better speakers are over 100 dollars more expensive than these.
(Cambridge 4.1)