did california sales tax get lowered?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
bought a pencil sharpener at office depot today. lol.

receipt showed 7.5% sales tax.
did it get lowered from 8%? or is this office depot just weird? :)


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
erm, cut and paste the link or do the drag the "e" thing.


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000

Follow the Margaret and Kandie link, taken in July 5 with high mountains behind.

Currently here in Nome we have less than 1 inch of snow on the ground which sux... I wanna drive my snowmobile.

Alaska is not bad, the air is one hell of a lot cleaner, there is no state-wide sales tax, we pretty much get to drive anywhere, and in certain places the temp in summer even competes with Cali in the 95­­ degree plus range. Plus I do not have to worry about the next door neighbor robbing me or riots burning a lot of a city.

However I still prefer Oregon because travel costs much less.


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Wow... after looking at my fathers web page I have to get my page up and going again. I erased it because my bother Thomas put some inappropriate pictures after a party we had at a friends house. My father likes lowering the resolution so pages load up quicker... just a personal prefference of his.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
geez. i start a thread asking if the sales tax changed in CA, and you turn it into a advertisement for alaska. :p


Golden Member
Feb 5, 2001
The sales tax rate varies from county to county. Around the SF Bay Area, for example, the rate is higher to support BART (among other things). The state minimum is 7%, to be raised to 7.25% next month.


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Well, I will not take back my statments of truth in my eyes because I think Cali is a corrupt State. I did live there and I did not like it (sales tax was just a hype, I added in the weather because that is the first time there I had to live in the pool or ocean along with air conditioning too keep a comfortable body temp.) So I moved to Oregon, I liked it there, but I had trouble finding a decent job. So I moved to Alaska and started my own business.

The simple fact of the matter is Cali can be sucked into a black hole and the entire US of A will be that much richer. It is a good thing (yet still terrible, so don't think I like it or support it) that Osama decided to take out the World Trade Center instead of the houver dam. If that dam were destroyed it would wipe out millions, 4 cities except for higher grounds would be destroyed and it would force an immediate evacuate of lower Cali. because there will be no more water for them. I can see martial happening in that state (and surrounding) if someone does take it out. It is a good thing Osama was stupid just like Saddam.

Well I am getting way too off topic here. Lets keep this on tax like it should be.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999

<< What make's Alaska so bad? >>

Highest suicide rate and highest percentage of alcoholics. Alaska isn't a fun place to live for many ;) but my god Alaska is beautiful.

going back up to 7.75 :( oh well with each push up, out of state businesses get more of my money


Senior member
Oct 30, 2000

<< No Alaska sales tax.

No Oregon sales tax.

don't forget about the good old tax free state of New Hampshire.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
wow, just noticed now? heh

it's going back up next month i believe. exactly 1 year


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
<<The simple fact of the matter is Cali can be sucked into a black hole and the entire US of A will be that much richer. >>

Last time I heard, California had the 6th biggest economy in THE WORLD.

<<It is a good thing (yet still terrible, so don't think I like it or support it) that Osama decided to take out the World Trade Center instead of the houver dam. If that dam were destroyed it would wipe out millions, 4 cities except for higher grounds would be destroyed and it would force an immediate evacuate of lower Cali. because there will be no more water for them. I can see martial happening in that state (and surrounding) if someone does take it out. It is a good thing Osama was stupid just like Saddam.>>

Not all of southern California use water from the Colorado River. There's the California aquaduct that brings lots of water from Northern Calif, plus there's lots of underground water under the San Gabriel Valley.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
As much as some people would like to be rid of California, we do have the Silicon Valley (electronics), the Central Valley (agriculture), the Napa Valley (wine!), and Hollywood. Take that out of the U.S. economy, and it goes goes down the crapper.


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000

<< Last time I heard, California had the 6th biggest economy in THE WORLD. >>

Also the biggest economic downfall in the US short of territories such as Puerto Rico which I am ½ of. Also Alaska might be the lowest population state in the US, but we also provide a great deal to the American economy as far as product goes. I mean come on, if silicon valley were erased, all that would happen is a different state would become the new 'valley'. Just like people say Microsoft is worth so much... Microsoft is vapor. If you were to cash them out right now all they have is 'intelectual' value.. short of some good real estate in Redmond.

Answer me this?... What does California produce that is helpful to the rest of the US that can not be reproduced by another individual/company/state/country? All I can see is lawyers which most of the rest of the US can do without for the most part.
Lets face it. You ever get a lawyer for a stupid little fender bender that is less than ¼ of an inch? You know how much sh*t like that costs? You ever buy a plane years ago compared to now? You ever wonder why companies like Honda quit making the TRX 250R in America?, you ever say f*ck you to someone who looked/guestured at you wrong? Cali comes up with the most stupid laws ever in any country in the world.

Sh*t the state of Cali depends on the rest of the US and Canada they can not even produce enough power for themselves and say it is unfair and that the rest of us have to provide power at the cost you are all used of because it is morally right, how much does it cost the rest of the states and Canada to produce? And thanks to a majority of a vote in which Cali has the rest of us Americans have to put up with that sh*t.
Face it. Lets say I am a bully and have 20 other friends in the high school lunch line and we see 5 other wimps. So we threaten them to give us their money and take it from them or we go tell the teacher that they dont treat us right. We all know under most human circumstances is to believe the majority, but in this case the majority is wrong. If they are said to be wrong they still have the majority to say otherwise.

Maybe to get back on point Cali should raise its taxes to 40% so the state can pay for itself instead of depending on the rest of the US.


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2000
because I think Cali is a corrupt State.

This state could suck a big fat dick for all I care, but I go where there is population. See, I sell Mountaineering and my company is based here in California. As long as they keep paying me the $$, I'm staying. BTW, I could care less about the taxes, I get TE, etc paid for.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000

<< What does California produce that is helpful to the rest of the US that can not be reproduced by another individual/company/state/country? >>

Breast augmentation specialists?


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2000
<< What does California produce that is helpful to the rest of the US that can not be reproduced by another individual/company/state/country? >>

We are the 5th biggest economy in the World!!! We produce more food than any other State in the US, by far! I tell you what, the next Earthquake, I hope this fvcker breaks off and we'll have 2X the coastal property we have now!!


Senior member
Sep 2, 2001

<< <<Plus I do not have to worry about the next door neighbor robbing me or riots burning a lot of a city.>>

Hmmm...then why does 54 Californian cities have less crime than Anchorage, Alaska in this recent study? :)


Because a good chunk of the California cities, and all of them in the San Francisco Bay area above Anchorage, have average house prices over half a million dollars and rents starting at $1500/month for a studio. What criminal could afford to live there??? I don't know any other place where burger flippers make $10/hr. to START.

Too bad they didn't include East Palo Alto, CA, which was the murder capital of the US in 1996. Go a little too far east on University Avenue from Stanford University and you're in the ghetto.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000

<< We are the 5th biggest economy in the World!!! We produce more food than any other State in the US, by far! I tell you what, the next Earthquake, I hope this fvcker breaks off and we'll have 2X the coastal property we have now!! >>

Somebody flip Hamburgerpimp. He's getting a bit cooked on one side.