<< Last time I heard, California had the 6th biggest economy in THE WORLD. >>
Also the biggest economic downfall in the US short of territories such as Puerto Rico which I am ½ of. Also Alaska might be the lowest population state in the US, but we also provide a great deal to the American economy as far as product goes. I mean come on, if silicon valley were erased, all that would happen is a different state would become the new 'valley'. Just like people say Microsoft is worth so much... Microsoft is vapor. If you were to cash them out right now all they have is 'intelectual' value.. short of some good real estate in Redmond.
Answer me this?... What does California produce that is helpful to the rest of the US that can not be reproduced by another individual/company/state/country? All I can see is lawyers which most of the rest of the US can do without for the most part.
Lets face it. You ever get a lawyer for a stupid little fender bender that is less than ¼ of an inch? You know how much sh*t like that costs? You ever buy a plane years ago compared to now? You ever wonder why companies like Honda quit making the TRX 250R in America?, you ever say f*ck you to someone who looked/guestured at you wrong? Cali comes up with the most stupid laws ever in any country in the world.
Sh*t the state of Cali depends on the rest of the US and Canada they can not even produce enough power for themselves and say it is unfair and that the rest of us have to provide power at the cost you are all used of because it is morally right, how much does it cost the rest of the states and Canada to produce? And thanks to a majority of a vote in which Cali has the rest of us Americans have to put up with that sh*t.
Face it. Lets say I am a bully and have 20 other friends in the high school lunch line and we see 5 other wimps. So we threaten them to give us their money and take it from them or we go tell the teacher that they dont treat us right. We all know under most human circumstances is to believe the majority, but in this case the majority is wrong. If they are said to be wrong they still have the majority to say otherwise.
Maybe to get back on point Cali should raise its taxes to 40% so the state can pay for itself instead of depending on the rest of the US.