Bill seems to think that he can just "create" new Democrats by making the Party even more to the left. Perhaps that would have been a logical strategy after the 2000 election(in which Nader siphoned votes), but I do not think it makes much sense for 2008. They just TRIED that, does he not pay any attention? The whole Anti-Bush and Anti-War attack failed. They felt they could bring the lunatic fringe(the left of the left) in with others and make that the issue for this election. It didn't happen, so why does Maher feel it would work in 2008?
I do SEE Bill's point that he doesn't think people like me exist, but he is wrong. The far-left is always going to vote for the left candidate, and the far right is always going to vote for the right candidate. You cannot attempt to sway votes from either column, and if you do you will be met with failure. Bill(and others) seem to think that they will attract me by becoming more liberal? Perhaps he is high(ad-hom, I know), but that simply doesn't make any sense. He's made up his mind that independent voters simply don't exist, and that it efforts should be focused on wooing the extreme left. Pardon me, but which part of the extreme left didn't vote for Kerry? I hate to reiterate, but this isn't the 2000 election. Nader was wholly insignificant in this election, and anyone with a working brain on the left voted for Kerry.
Where are these "new liberal" votes going to come from? Well, I'll say this much: The Democrats can continue to ignore me because I live in a Red State, and because I do have a Conservative stance on some issues. I went to church until I was 18, and now I infrequently go. However, I didn't stop because of the church, but because of me. Thus, whenever Bill chooses to attack my friends and family by calling them nuts it inflames me. He can share an anecdote about college and use pejoratives about Christians and others on the Right, and it isn't going to help him any. I'm sick and tired of people referencing the Red States as hick states, country bumpkins, or that we aren't logical. Hey, I am fvcking logical, and that's the reason I understand you cannot just "create" new voters where they don't exist. In being logical that doesn't mean I have to denigrate my opponents. I believe in Evolution, but I don't have to call Creationists -- lunatics -- or write them off. Bill Maher is engaging in EXACTLY the same type of behavior as Falwell and Robertson. He is demonizing the other side for political gain. Both are wrong, and whoever realizes it first will probably win the next election. If Bill is logical, rational, and such a scientist, then surely he sees that he is hypocritical for attacking them for the same thing he is doing!