Did anyone see Petraeus on Meet the Press?

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005

At least for me, I was quite impressed with how Petraeus handled himself in the interview. Granted he received some soft ball question but he was willing to concede
and address some of the tough options we will face in future that a less honest person would wallpaper over.

Despite his denial of future political ambitions, we might see him touted to run for something when he retires.

Just my impression, what is yours?


Sep 15, 2002
The days of high-ranking military members running for office are over. He can feel free to run if he wants, but I doubt he has even a semi-decent shot of winning.
Jun 27, 2005
I don't know... every time I've seen him in an interview I've been impressed. Probably has too much ability and common sense for the US electorate to buy in though.


May 24, 2004
He is a good military commander, and you don't get to be there through spin.

As for running for political office, can't wait for the professional left to run out all their "baby killer" tv adds...

Yeah, ain't gonna happen anytime soon


Dec 29, 2002
How come under Bush he was General Betray-us, now under Obama the liberals clamor over him?

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Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
You use to hear about soldiers becoming heroes from war. They come back home as celebrities for the righteous war they fought. Now between two choice wars that no one knows why were fighting their lucky to get a case of meth mouth and stay out of prison.

Thank god for Petraeus, at least there was one person who could make a name for themselves between the Tilman and McCrystal debacles.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
How come under Bush he was General Betray-us, now under Obama the liberals clamor over him?
Somewhat a distortion Nick, but point granted, some select few ultra left moveon.org types did try the betrayus smear. Only to see it back fire among most libs and conservatives. Neither the Republicans or democrats are one big unified party that agree on everything. If anything the GOP leadership is well to the right of the GOP electorate.

As for any Petraeus future political future after retirement, I think its safe to say that he would have to deliver a shining victory in Afghanistan. And right now, I don't think Jesus Christ himself, plus Zeus and Thor could come up with that big shining US Victory given the bungled mess GWB&co made out of the place.

But right now I think Petraeus is the right man to stop the major bleeding and cut the US losses so there may be something in the distant future to salvage out of Afghanistan. My guess is, its the best we can hope for now.

Of course the other thing to mention is that there is only two months or so left in the 2010 Afghan fighting season, after that the Afghan winter will sock in and slow both the US and the Taliban down for six months or so. And we can then reassess come late spring of 2011.


Jun 8, 2005

At least for me, I was quite impressed with how Petraeus handled himself in the interview. Granted he received some soft ball question but he was willing to concede
and address some of the tough options we will face in future that a less honest person would wallpaper over.

Despite his denial of future political ambitions, we might see him touted to run for something when he retires.

Just my impression, what is yours?

You mean General Betrayus?

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
You mean General Betrayus?
Hasp, Nick done beat you to the punch on that one, or did you fail to notice?
But tell us all again what you added to this thread?


Platinum Member
Aug 18, 2000
Hasp, Nick done beat you to the punch on that one, or did you fail to notice?
But tell us all again what you added to this thread?

Affirmation that you and your media outlets are willing to give blow jobs to anything and anyone that Obama touches.

What did you add?


Sep 5, 2000
I'm sure what he said was fine. You completely missed the point of mine and Hacp's comments though

Well if I recall that ad came out the day he was speaking to congress. So it was posed as a question. Will the general betrayus and not talk about how bad things are there? Or will he be a general of the people and tell it how it is no matter how his overlords lie and cheat. You see at the time those of us with brains had little option. But I know you, looking back in these forums you are one of the biggest advocates of war. You bought it hook line and sinker. How does that feel? Hmmm? There is a reason we send the young to war and you are the perfect little example of that.

"where eagles soar..."


Dec 29, 2002
Well if I recall that ad came out the day he was speaking to congress. So it was posed as a question. Will the general betrayus and not talk about how bad things are there? Or will he be a general of the people and tell it how it is no matter how his overlords lie and cheat. You see at the time those of us with brains had little option. But I know you, looking back in these forums you are one of the biggest advocates of war. You bought it hook line and sinker. How does that feel? Hmmm? There is a reason we send the young to war and you are the perfect little example of that.

"where eagles soar..."

It was posed as a question? Yeah you are right, it wasn't meant to put him in a poor light at all. What was I thinking. Just a simple question.

Oh wait, if you look at the front page of the add, as seen in the pic, you can see him being ripped on as being "at war with facts". Just a question...lol
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Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
For what its worth, I think GWB and Petraeus got maybe some false credit for the surge in Iraq, when the major needed reduction in violence in Iraq was started independently of the surge, but then again, Petraeus certainly did nothing to screw the reduction of violence up either.

But now we are talking Petraeus in Afghanistan. Now without dredging up the partisan past, why can't this forum rationally discuss the performance of Petraeus now?

Like I said in my opening post, I think ole Dave has the right basic set of ideas and is making a decent start on implementing them, it may be too little too late, and impossible if this country does not pony up more troops and development money, but I welcome anyone who wants to make a credible case of why I am right or wrong. Just hold the partisan ranker please.


Dec 29, 2002
But now we are talking Petraeus in Afghanistan. Now without dredging up the partisan past, why can't this forum rationally discuss the performance of Petraeus now?

No matter who is in charge, or how many soldiers we have there, Afghanistan will never be "won", especially under these rules of engagement


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
To express the sense of the Senate that General David H. Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-National Force-Iraq, deserves the full support of the Senate and strongly condemn personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all members of the United States Armed Forces.

NAYs ---25

Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Byrd (D-WV)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Levin (D-MI)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

Not Voting - 3
Biden (D-DE)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)


Dec 29, 2002
To express the sense of the Senate that General David H. Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-National Force-Iraq, deserves the full support of the Senate and strongly condemn personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all members of the United States Armed Forces.

NAYs ---25

Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Byrd (D-WV)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Levin (D-MI)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

Not Voting - 3
Biden (D-DE)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL)



Dec 29, 2002
Referring to patraeus..

Why/How is he a war hero? Seriously, people cheapen the word "hero" too much. And, believe me, you can get quite lower than that.

Well well well...

The point being, Patraeus will submit a report that may or may not be his best attempt at the truth at the time. And in two or three months we can all look back and see that what he said on September 15 was not true and based on irrational exuberance. Sooner or later everyone will cease believing Patraeus and they will get some new poobah, say give the new guy some time to have his better ideas kick in, and rinse and repeat. So it went in Vietnam and I don't think Iraq will be any different.

Its amazing how a change in administration will change your mind, isnt it?