Originally posted by: Jnetty99
I saw it, it started on Sunday and finished last night.
The first two hours really explain the start of the Al-qaeda from 1980-90's and the explanation on how Osama got to the top. They also show several background details about the hijackers and how they met and how they started and how they finally met with Osama... they also show how the U.S. had several chances to kill osama but stopped the mission. Finally the first two hours end with the hijackers already in the U.S. ready to go for the attack.
The second two hours explain how the got through the airport and boarded the planes and very detail explanation on when they took over and the time line of events until the strikes on NY and D.C.
They then concentrate on the Towers and Pentagon and explain were the planes exactly hit and detail explanation on why the towers fell etc etc. It's a very good documentary that will be replayed for a long time.
Edit: here is the link to the website
Inside 9-11