I just noticed something though, about the Barbarian, for his Whirlwind, it says:
"Golden - Reduced Fury cost."
I never noticed in previously released Diablo III game-play videos if it was the case or not, I'll have to check, but "Fury" for a Barbarian seems to refer to a new (for Diablo I mean) "stamina" system, at least as far as the Barbarian is concerned. In Diablo II even the Barbarian used Mana for his skills. In the Diablo III game-play videos I remember watching there IS a Mana orb to the right side for the Barbarian and it IS being depleted partially whenever he uses a skill... but those videos are old, most of them two years-old or so, so I don't know if they just "added" that Fury thing for very specific skills and that Mana is still being used for several skills... OR... if they completely removed Mana for the Barbarian (which would completely make sense, no sarcasm by the way) and replaced it with a fast auto-replenishing Stamina Orb (labeled "Fury") just as much as various warrior classes in other RPGs use (especially MMORPGs).
If they removed Mana for the Barbarian which is what I suppose is the case then all I can say is HELL yeah! I remember I often had to get freaking Mana-leech gear for my Barbarian in Diablo II exactly because Mana pots were annoying to use and never replenished the Mana fast enough for the pace at which I was using my skills, in fact I often ended up using the famous Shako cap due to the amount of Mana it gives (because otherwise Barbarian with proper builds NEVER had a SINGLE extra stat point into Energy, and that was a given, so the Barbarian had to use gear with Mana or Mana-leech to compensate), and the issue with most Mana-leech gear (not all, there were some exceptions), was that other than the actual Mana-leech there was mostly nothing else being useful for a Barbarian on such items.
So if that "Fury" thing is in fact a Stamina system then I think that most Barbarian class veterans like me will cry out of joy for that one... that is IF it is the case, since I'm just assuming it is as such, I might be wrong, I just wish I'm not, never really understood why the Barbarian used Mana in Diablo II in the first place (as a side note, Stamina does exist in Diablo II, but it's only there for running, determining how long you can run before being exhausted basically, it has nothing to do with using skills).
EDIT: I just thought, or perhaps Fury might not be referring to any form of stamina system at all, but in fact may refer to a new "force build-up" energy. In such a case then somewhere on or near the action-bar GUI for the Barbarian there would be some sort of an empty gauge that would "fill up" with "Fury" points when using specific "Fury build-up" skills, and when Fury reaches a certain percentage or number of specific points then a new array of skills "unlock" on the action bar that can only be used when a specific amount of Fury has been built-up.
I never played World of WarCraft, but I do think that the warrior class in that game does have something along the lines of such a system. There is such a system in another F2PMMO I'm playing called Allods Online, in which the warrior class has an empty "sword" placed horizontally above the action bar in which "Combat Advantage" points (shown as a fiery energy building up inside the sword) are accumulating after using specific skills (such as "Powerful Blow"), and once a specific amount of "CA" (Combat Advantage) is built up then new skills can be used on the action bar.
So it's either a stamina system, or some sort of an energy that needs to be accumulated to be able to use specific skills that can only be used when a certain amount of that "Fury" is available, which would explain what a specific Rune would reduce the cost of Fury for specific skills, in that case including the Barbarian's Whirlwind.