DF: Stats (6/30/03)


Apr 23, 2001
TeAm daily production 2,721,473

4th for the day and in 3rd place.
280k behind DPC today.

We're ahead of DPC by over 5m in the weekly stats. It just seems that their daily is always ahead of us when I do these darn stats!

Milestone Makers:
(Milestones: 50k 100k 250k 500k 1m 5m 10m 25m and every 25m after that)

grunter passes 1m :music::beer::D:music:
NicColt passes 500K :p:D
gistech1978 passes 500K :p:D
ATWE bob970 passes 250K :D
ATWE CrazySaint passes 250K :D
GhettoFob passes 250K :D
m0ti passes 250K :D
heyheyhey passes 50k and 100k :cool::)
mik passes 50k :cool:
nearlyfailedchemist passes 50k :cool:

Congrats everyone! :D
Maybe I should start doing stats on the weekends so I don't have to type so much on Mondays?! :p

Top 5 Producers of the Day:
Number in parenthesis is overall position

FoBoT: 684,426 :D (11)
ATWE Robor: 343,078 :) (26)
Silverdragon: 268,332 :) (39)
nsmmxx: 236,484 :) (51)
grunter: 162,363 :) (80)


Top 5 RMS
Number in parenthesis is overall position

FoBoT: 5.090037 (6) <-- New best for the TeAm!
ATWE Robor: 5.123046 (9)
cbcrus: 5.131888 (10)
nsmmxx: 5.290112 (22)
NicColt: 5.422028 (38)

What the...... now FoBoT is tops in both lists?!? :p
Congrats guys, we have 3 in the top 10, that's great :D
Good Crunchin' ;) :D

DFGui 3.1 has been released for a while, don't know how many of you picked it up. It's the second version for the new client. It's got a new graph that tracks how long each generation took which I really like.

Get it here.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
thanks for the stats, i am trying to check out my clients (since i was gone last week)

any no-netters/off line crunching people should be aware that there appears to be a bug/limit on the amount of work that can be cached, 337 generations, if you go beyond that , it looks like the client gets stuck. there are two threads about it on the DF forum

so, for now, don't let your off line crunchers go much past 300 generations without an upload


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
Thanks for the stats, bunker!

Its interesting to see how much your production increases as you reach later generations.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2000
>there appears to be a bug/limit on the amount of work that can be cached, 337 generations, if you go beyond that , it looks like the client gets stuck.

found out 1 day to late. all you need to do to recover is to delete the last entry into the filelist.txt - make a backup first though. It uploaded the 336 prior gens but it restarted at Gen 0

At least the backlog was not lost, oh well now I know. There goes my goal of doing a MEGA dump, can you imagine if I had 20,000+ Generations and the fileslist would corrupt or the program get stuck. I don't think I could sleep well with this client folding offline for long periods of time.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
gack!!! help!!

exactly which lines do i take out? :confused:

the last line appears to be a checksum value, when i removed that it still crashes/sticks

when i removed the last two .val / .log lines, it said "you have tampered with the filelist.txt file, you must start over" :(