DF Daily Stats for 12/07


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
Producers of the Day
grunter produced 308,491 points today!
gistech1978 produced 225,245 points today!
TA bfour produced 189,050 points today!
JetBlack69 produced 112,299 points today!
nsmmxx produced 103,410 points today!

Milestone Makers
TA Bfour hits 50,000,000 points!
theAnimal hits 50,000 points!

Best RMS
Extrarius - 9.734
cbcrus - 9.851
nsmmxx - 10.073
renderbox - 10.091
ATWE Robor - 10.32

Producers of the Week
grunter has produced 2,374,761 points this week!
ATWE Robor has produced 943,940 points this week!
TA bfour has produced 805,489 points this week!
JetBlack69 has produced 659,652 points this week!
nsmmxx has produced 612,830 points this week!

Team Stats
The team has produced 1,430,880 points today, good for 15th place in daily production.

Shameless Recruiting Section
Team Anandtech Distributed Folding needs you!

As you can see, the team has fallen out of the top ten, but all we need is a few more crunchers to get back!

Got more hertz than you know what to do with? Don't know what team to join? Join TA DF!

Have questions about Distributed Folding or Team Anandtech? Feel free to ask them here!


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
I decided to add a new stat that will appear once a week called Producers of the Week to point out those who have had outstanding production for the entire week.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Looks like my weekend production pause happened again. Hope they all come through tomorrow.

Congrats to the POD's and MM'ers and thanks CrazySaint! :D


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
I'm having a strange DF problem. I noticed last night that I hadn't uploaded any points yesterday, so I checked my client and found 50 generations buffered. So I used the '-purgeuploadlist 1' command switch to remove the corrupted generation, hit upload, and watched 50 generations get zipped off to the server. That upload never showed up in my stats, nor has any other upload I've done today. My client seems to be chugging along fine, with either 0 or 1 generation buffered every time I look at it, but I have no points on the stats. Weird.