DF BS???


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2002
I dunno if other folders are going through this, but I have an extra dedicated box going on, and my contributions seem to be going down. I know this new protien is slow, but this flat out sucks. Me feels like we're spinning our wheels but going nowhere...

Sorry just had to whine a lil bit guys. Farkn' slow protien makes my stats suck, doesn't seem like DoverLAN is going to break 18k...


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Ditto that... I've got a bunch of clients going (25+) and they're all P3's or P4's with the extra ram option turned on yet I'm still not putting up big numbers. I miss the days of 4M per day. :(


Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
I think that we all like it when the folds fly by quickly.

Still, not much we can do about it... the client is pretty heavily tweaked out and I'm sure that even the slow proteins are valuable, science-wise.

It's going to take us quite a while to hit the 10 billion fold mark on this protein.

We're definitely going to be moving over to the new algorithm after it, since they'll have enough time to do another 2 or 3 runs and make sure all the bugs are ironed out and that the performance is as high as it can be.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2000
Let me add insult to injury....

I was reading on the science of it all and for what takes 10 Billion fold todo, it simulates how a certain protein folds naturally. Now a naturally folding protein in the real world take only a nanosecond or 1000th of a second. So it takes us several hundreds of computers and months to simulate what a natural protein does in a nanosecond : )


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2002
Originally posted by: NicColt
Let me add insult to injury....

I was reading on the science of it all and for what takes 10 Billion fold todo, it simulates how a certain protein folds naturally. Now a naturally folding protein in the real world take only a nanosecond or 1000th of a second. So it takes us several hundreds of computers and months to simulate what a natural protein does in a nanosecond : )

I had read some about folding too, espcially after getting involved with DF. That is amazing info.



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
I'm struggling here too.

I've lost all (except one who seems to show up every once in a while) of the people who were helping me ('Those who are Sid')

The biggest thing that lost them was that DF doesn't always start when a machine is booted. This is especially true on slow connecting ISPs such as DSL

It is not uncommon to see it take two boots for it to run. When it doesn't start right, it still stays resident in memory, so it can't be re-started unless

the .lock file is removed and the task is terminated in task manager. I think this is a load of poopie and resent it that Howard does not see fit to address

problems in the 'lowly, regular' client because his energies are going to the beta.

To make it even worse, when I did try to help with the beta testing, Howard was rude and dismissive because I didn't report my findings in a way that

he felt was formatted correctly. (give me a break!)

so, to take stock:

I've lost my mini-team members because they don't feel like baby sitting DF. (I don't blame them.)
I don't want to help with the beta because Howard acted like an arrogant azz when I did try to do that.
One of the two machines I own is now on another project which leaves only one on DF. Can you just imagine the impressive
numbers one machine is putting up with this ever-so-speedy protien........... NOT

Get it together Howard! :|


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2002
I feel your pain Sid, I cannot seem to get DF to run as an installed service on any of the machines I have it on, because it locks up the computer when it boots. I dunno if this is just something that I'm doing wrong, or if it's just a bug.

Well hopefully there will be many more happy folding days ahead of us. :)


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
I cannot seem to get DF to run as an installed service on any of the machines I have it on, because it locks up the computer when it boots

I'm guessing your lock-ups are related to the DF client loosing it's mind when it tries to start. I have no idea what caused this to our client. My guess is that while Howard was ferking around with his servers to accept beta results, he messed up the 'main' server in a way that the regular DF client can't deal with.

Everybody knows I've been responsible for a ton of threads pimping this project, but they always had the theme that DF was fun because it worked seamlessly and could be run as a service...... well, that and how much I enjoy the people on TeAm DF. Y'all are the only reason I am running DF at this point. I hope it is clear my attitude about all of you folks is not affected by Howard's schennanigans.

Protien before this one...... strike one
This protien....... strike two
Next protien........ ??????

get it right on the next protien Howard :|


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
i know we are having some problems
it would be very nice if we can keep it together to stay in #4 until the beta is out, then hopefully we can regroup and get a fresh start

hang in there guys :)


Nov 28, 2002
Am hanging, am hanging. Unfortunately, we're having an electricity shortage here down under and I can't run our PCs as liberally as I may have done once...