Dexter season finale pissed me off (Spoilers)


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2008
I cant believe they killed off his wife. Seriously? The one hot chick in the show and they kill her?! son of a.
That was my first reaction.
My second reaction is, wow, that is a balsy move by the writers, and I like it. I like shows that suprise me like that. Totally didnt see it coming.
HBO ftmfw.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
I am mixed about Rita's death. I think it leaves the door open for Dexter to go crazy. I don't like how she came back home to get something when she could have just called Dexter, that was weak though.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2008
Another thought too, I also have a hard time believing that Trinity would attack Dexters family instead of Dexter himself, and then just run off. He would have known that Dexter would come after him.
Hopefully he goes nuts next season. Right now it looks like it will be all about minivans and babysitters. Stupid kids.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
With the episode moving like it did, it did not appear that Trinity had that much time to do all that either. Oh well, better luck next season.
Oct 30, 2004
I think it makes sense. The family schtick had pretty much run its course and was rapidly getting stale and it cramped his style. It was also pushing him in the direction of retiring from the serial vigilante business. It was good for one season but would have gotten in the way of the next one, whatever that will be about. I would assume that Cody and Astor will live with their grandparents and that Dexter will raise his son with a nanny who will pretty much leave him alone.

There are some loose ends remaining. Dexter is still facing jail time for fleeing the scene of an accident and now he has to explain why Trinity killed his wife specifically and WTF he was doing in Trinity's garage before the rest of Miami Metro arrived and if the family talks about this mysterious Kyle Butler person who ran out the back door as the police were coming in the office will go looking for him. He could also just dismember Rita, clean up the his bathroom, dump her in the ocean, and tell everyone that his marriage hadn't been going well and that she ran off.


Aug 14, 2001
I am mixed about Rita's death. I think it leaves the door open for Dexter to go crazy. I don't like how she came back home to get something when she could have just called Dexter, that was weak though.

"Go crazy?" isn't he already there?

Yeah, I know what you mean, just sayin...


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2000
I wasn't expecting rita's death at all. Like said before i think this opens a whole new side of insanity in Dexter for next season. I just hope they dont bring her back in flashbacks like the dad. I think Quinn is the next Doakes, he figured out Dexter is doing stuff in his spare time.
Oct 30, 2004
I wasn't expecting rita's death at all. Like said before i think this opens a whole new side of insanity in Dexter for next season. I just hope they dont bring her back in flashbacks like the dad. I think Quinn is the next Doakes, he figured out Dexter is doing stuff in his spare time.

Quinn doesn't seem smart enough to think that Dexter is doing something sinister nor could he even imagine that Dexter has something like that in him. He just thinks Dex is out chasing tail or playing hookie from work.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Dexter was never meant to be married - he was more entertaining when he was a single and living alone in his apartment.

Ugh..I guess I need to obtain this season's shows and catch up what I've been missing :)


Sep 14, 2003
I am mixed about Rita's death. I think it leaves the door open for Dexter to go crazy. I don't like how she came back home to get something when she could have just called Dexter, that was weak though.

She needed her ID to board the plane, I thought. Although, technically, you don't need your ID to board a plane (at least, I didn't when I lost my wallet). They just make you go through the extra screenings.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
OK, I zipped down without reading anything.
Just wanted to say I only recently started watching, and if it hadnt been on Netflix streaming I never would have started. Overall I like it, but like most awesome shows they seem to run out of good ideas in the first season and after that it turns crummy.

Desperate Housewives was like that. Rescue Me kinda feels like that starting with the 4th season. Some other late night crazy dramas feel the same way. The writers go out of their way to make the first season plots and story arcs into something insane and then they are burned out when season 2 starts.
I sincerely hope Dexter season 3 keeps going strong, though I find it unlikely.


Apr 29, 2001
OK, I zipped down without reading anything.
Just wanted to say I only recently started watching, and if it hadnt been on Netflix streaming I never would have started. Overall I like it, but like most awesome shows they seem to run out of good ideas in the first season and after that it turns crummy.

Desperate Housewives was like that. Rescue Me kinda feels like that starting with the 4th season. Some other late night crazy dramas feel the same way. The writers go out of their way to make the first season plots and story arcs into something insane and then they are burned out when season 2 starts.
I sincerely hope Dexter season 3 keeps going strong, though I find it unlikely.

Season 3 was probably my favorite. 4 was strong too.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
OK, I zipped down without reading anything.
Just wanted to say I only recently started watching, and if it hadnt been on Netflix streaming I never would have started. Overall I like it, but like most awesome shows they seem to run out of good ideas in the first season and after that it turns crummy.

Desperate Housewives was like that. Rescue Me kinda feels like that starting with the 4th season. Some other late night crazy dramas feel the same way. The writers go out of their way to make the first season plots and story arcs into something insane and then they are burned out when season 2 starts.
I sincerely hope Dexter season 3 keeps going strong, though I find it unlikely.

1 of course was awesome! :)
2 - was a little tedious...but it ended with a "bang" :)
3 - Pretty cool to see Dexter find a friend
4 was pretty good, but Dexter needed to be on his own - [I thought ep9 was going to let us know how the season would end] - I really think they should've use someone younger for Trinity - Lithgow can portray an evil character very well - but the stuff he did in this season wasn't believable [his character was too frail/old IMHO]. The ending if season 4 - I've never said "OMG [gasped]" out loud to an ending - bravo to the writers.


Nov 13, 2003
My Gf balled her eyes out and it took me like 3 days to get over the shock. Well played showtime, well played.


Platinum Member
Dec 13, 1999
She got implants didn't she? Somehow she was a lot hotter in season 4... teheh


Nov 13, 2003
My theories: I think that this next season Dexter is going to be under the microscope. The police are going have to be suspicious. Why would trinity just up and kill Dexter's wife if he never knew him. Eventually it will come out that he was involved with the church, he'll play off that he found religion or something and made up Butler to keep it on the low. But then it will come around that he was like best friends with him. Then there is the whole thing with Trinity visiting him at work. And all the stuff with him and the car chase.

He got really sloppy at the end. I think it should make some either really great or incredibly (lost style) frustrating drama.