I installed detonator 7.52, and now I get 256 colors only. It still says 16 bit color (64k) in the settings, but it displays only 256 colors. I uninstalled 7.52 and went back to 6.34, but the colors are still messed up... What do I do now???
You need to reinstall your monitor driver whenever you change/update video drivers. Check your monitor driver, more than likely it's back to "default monitor" or whatever it's called.
One time I had to go into the registry and do a search for nvidia and delete everything that had Nvidia in it. Can't remember now what the situation was.
You will laugh, but I did this also, and it didn't help...
I think now that it's the DirectX 8 that caused it. I installed it right before the 7.52, and everything was normal, except for some more stuttering in 3Dmark2000. That's why went ahead with 7.52, and now my system is screwed up royally...
Have you tried the DirectX uninstall utility and go back to 7.0a? I'm using DirectX8 and the 7.52's and it seems to be running fine at the moment. I just installed them last night and the only thing that I have run is 3dmark2001 and it did fine.
I had the exact same problem.I tried those drivers on WinMe and the pc would lock up whenever i tried a 3dgame.
I figured i would just remove the display drivers via remove/add menu and put in standered pci-adapter or whatever its called like usual,to go back to my old 6.50 drivers.Sadly it was not that easy and it wouldn't go back to normal =*(.I removed the nvidia from registry and removed all nvidia files from c:/windows/system but nothing i would do could stop it booting in 16 colors low res.I tried everything i could think of but i just ended up formating and going back to 6.50.
Im on win98 now and im to scared to try those drivers again hehe.
Well, I found a DirectX removal utility that works for Win Me. DX Buster
I was able to uninstall DX8 and go back to DX7. I still get some stuttering in 3dmark2000, though... I'm not sure about colors, either... seem to be the same as with dx8.
Do you see uglier icons, or is everything 256 colors? Even pictures? I think WinME did that to me once, I couldn't make the icons show more than 256 colors. You can try the newer drivers, 10.80 or 11 or whatever they are now.
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