
Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
I upgraded the processor in my work computer at the office but I totally spaced the proprietary CPU_FAN header on the motherboard. I would prefer not to use the stock cooler as it's small, ugly, and probably mostly useless. It also has a rough aluminum base instead of copper and they used cheap thermal, which is awful even by OEM standards.

Anyway, I chopped off the connector but I've found like 3 different possible pinouts and I figured someone on here would know. The computer is from 2013; the connector looks like this:


(bottom slot is empty)

I would like to solder this Dell connector to the fan on my Hyper 212 EVO stack cooler but those wires are all black--but I can find a standard PWM pinout no problem.

Any help?

Hail The Brain Slug

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2005
I believe this is what you're looking for.



Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
Yep, I think that should work, granted the white wire on the 5-pin is replaced by yellow and there is a green wire on the other... forget what it's for though

Since the fan that clips onto the fins of the 212 has all black wiring I had to refer to an old pump instead--but I tested the connections and it works so that's all that matters. I was out of heat shrink so it looks a little ghetto but I just wrapped it up w tape.

The X-clip that secures the aftermarket cooler down will actually thread right into the threaded fittings that are already behind the board, so really lucked out there; I should be all set.



Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Why the freak would they use a custom fan header that reorder the wires and nothing more ?


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
Yes, Dell is the Mac of the PC world... unnecessary proprietary design for components that don't need it.

You can actually just pry off the plastic socket and use regular 3-pin coolers... which I ended up having to do anyway.

Ended up running into a few other issues as well, all of which were Dell specific. Should have expected but the CPU socket retainer was actually bolted through to the back plate where the threaded inserts for the 4 cooler posts screw in to. Thread was standard but I had to reuse the Dell fasteners because (huge surprise) the actual LGA 1150 holes were drilled bigger than the standard size, so you couldn't even use the standard Intel cooler with modified wiring because the pins would not clip the reverse side of the board without a washer. Awesome.

Hyper 212 ended up slightly too tall for the chassis so I ended up using a cheaper horizontal cooler that used a plastic retainer and clips. Works fine with the Dell cooler posts, but I lost one of the tiny lock washers so one corner is lifted a little. Somehow, the bottom of the aftermarket cooler is still perfectly flush with the CPU spreader, so I said **** it and moved on. Will address that later if it becomes an issue but temps are fine at the moment.

I would have ordered one of those cable adapters but I needed it asap. I pretty much just made one from old wiring anyway...


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Not to belabor the point but this is news to me. I kow at one point in time dell was very mod friendly; I been buying dells directly or indirectly since the late 1980's. I know most stuff is stock (ram, sata ports, ...); and we frequently rejected (now defunct) compaq because of its reliance on non-standard parts. Just seems bizzare that such a minor portion would be non-standard.