I had been going back and forth on which monitor to get for home for the last couple of weeks, and since I did some gaming at home, I wanted to do some photo editing, I just wanted to try something different (had a 1905FP at work), and the LG was $300 shipped and the 1905FP was $440 (including tax) I decided to try the LG. I knew the contrast would not be as good, but I was not prepared for the huge difference. I can barely tell if the monitor is off or just the blank (black) screen saver is on with the 1905FP...even with 100 brightness. However the S-IPS has the violet colored black (which i was prepared for) and very very bad backlight bleeding around parts of the edges (it isn't uniform which makes it even worse) and this is with the brightness set at 70. To get the colors to look good, I have to set the brightness moderately high, but then it is so bright it hurts my eyes(with white on the screen), the blacks are horrible, and lighter colors looked washed out. Also we have about 6 1905FP at work and only one has a dead pixel. The L1930B has 3-4. They only show up when the screen is totally black though. Also, the pixelation seems worse on the L1930B and it also seems just a little blurry (I have it set to the correct 1280x1024 60Hz). Maybe this is just my imagination thogh. Needless to say I am not that happy with this monitor. I guess I will be out $45 (restock) + return shipping and I will just wait for another sale on the Dell or the Samsung 940T