debian, vnc and wmaker


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2001
i'll try and make it as concise and short as i can...

there used to be a debian box at work to which i could vnc (with wmaker whiched looked nice!)
because i'm used to suse i whacked suse on it.
when i vnc to it i now only get an ugly X even when using wmaker.

my options:
reinstall debian (woody? via ftp?)
get vnc to work with wmaker on suse but pretty this time (if possible)

i love the way apt works but dont know if its possible to do a ftp install via a boot disk like suse...
any info would be great


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
FTP installs work fine, but you should be able to upgrade potato to woody with apt with little or no problems. The only reason I would redo the installation with an FTP install of woody is if you wanted to install it onto another fileystem like XFS.

What is not pretty about it? Maybe you just have vnc running in 256 colors?


Senior member
Aug 16, 2000
You don't need to re-install debian. VNC into linux is actually using a second X screen beside the default :0. When you start the vnc server on the linux box you can specify which screen you want to use. You have to use another set of X configuration files to get a Window Manger up running in a vnc view. I can't remember how exactly. But I do remember it only took me 5 minuts to get it working.